- Theory of International Relations(国際関係論)
- International Law(国際法)
- Theory of International Human Rights(国際人権論)
- International Human Rights Law(国際人権法)
- Theory of Comparative Politics(比較政治論)
- Theory of Civil Politics(市民政治論)
- Methodology of Social Research(社会調査方法論)
- Data Analysis for Policy Making(政策データ分析法)
- International Presentation(国際プレゼンテーション法)
- Special Seminar on Debate(ディベート特別演習)
- Special Seminar on Workshops(ワークショップ特別演習)
- Research Instrunction MI(研究指導 MI)
- Research Instrunction MII(研究指導 MII)
- Theory of Peace and Security(平和・安全保障論)
- Seminar on Peace and Cooperation(平和協力論演習)
- Theory and Practice of Conflict Transformation (紛争転換論)
- ODA Policy(ODA政策論)
- Theory of Development Education(開発教育論)
- Policy of International Cooperation in Education (教育協力政策論)
- Participatory Learning(参加型国際学習方法論)