Area-specific Research subjects 領域別研究科目群
- Theory of Civil Politics (市民政治論)
- Research Guidance MI (研究指導MI)
- Research Guidance MII (研究指導MII)
- Theory of Peace and Security (平和・安全保障論)
- Theory of Development Education (開発教育論)
- Minority Rights (マイノリティ権利論)
- Gender Theory (ジェンダー論)
- Management of NGOs for International Cooperation (国際協力NGO運営論)
- Theory of Multi-National Enterprises (多国籍企業論)
- Comparative Study of Culture (比較文化理論)
- Japanese Culture (日本文化論)
- Modern Islamism (現代イスラム論)
- Theory of Politics and Economics in Asia (アジア政治経済論)
- International Environmental Law (国際環境法)
- History and Culture in Asia (アジアの歴史と文化)
- Academic Discussions (アカデミック・ディスカッション演習)
- Theory and Practice on Workshops (ワークショップ演習)
- Refugees, Forced Migration, and Human Rights (難民・強制移住と人権)