現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 McCarty, Steve Syllabus2019 異文化間コミュニケーション

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科目名 異文化間コミュニケーション  Intercultural Communication
担当教員 McCarty, Steve
授業の目的、または到達目標 ・To deepen the understanding of current situations and problems concerning diversity of world cultures andintercultural communication.
・Through the interactions between people of various cultural backgrounds, to know different values and thoughts ofpeople, and to be able to understand diversity of cultures and the significance of intercultural interaction.
・To deepen the understanding of the cultures in various English speaking and non-English speaking countries.
・Considering differences in culture and communication style, to deeply understand one’s own cultural values.
授業の概要 What is culture? How does it influence how we interact with people? Why do people from different backgrounds often misunderstand each other? How can we develop better communication skills? Through studying intercultural communication, cultures around the world, and interacting with people of different cultural backgrounds, we will come to understand the diversity of cultures in the world and the significance of intercultural interaction.

科目群/ベンチマーク 共通教育科目
授業の形態 Lectures on intercultural communication concepts, textbook exercises, quizzes, group discussions and sharing in English, role plays and presentations.
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • Culture: Who am I? Iceberg: Definition and examples 文化:私は誰か?「文化の氷山」の定義と例. Introduction to the course, the textbook and classroom activity book, intercultural communication concepts and vocabulary. Look at a world map in English. Discuss different countries and their cultures.
  • Listen to the CD for the textbook Different Realities Chapter 1 and answer comprehension and cultural questions (do this homework every week for each chapter). Prepare to discuss the classroom activity book Culture in Action sections 1-2 (70分).
  • Identity: Knowing ourselves and others. Select a foreign country (different from all other students) to research and report on to the class. アイデンティティ:自分自身を知り他者を知る一つの外国を選んでリサーチしクラスで発表する. Discuss the textbook and its exercises in Chapter 1 (Culture and Identity) and the activity book sections 1-2 (What is Culture? / Cultural Identity). Select a foreign country (different from all other students) to research and report on to the class.
  • Textbook Chapter 2 listening & questions, and prepare to discuss activity book section 3. Research your selected country's culture and prepare Presentation 1 (90分).
  • Hidden culture: Showing things from your personal cultures and understanding American hidden cultures 隠れた文化: 世界の人々の価値観と信条. Discuss the textbook and its exercises in Chapter 2 (Hidden Culture) and the activity book section 3 (Hidden Culture). Individual Presentation 1: introduce your selected country's culture.
  • Textbook Chapter 3 listening & questions, and prepare to discuss activity book sections 4-6 (50分).
  • Stereotypes of Japanese and others and how they affect intercultural communication 日本人と他国民のステレオタイプ、それらの異文化コミュニケーションへの影響. Discuss the textbook and its exercises in Chapter 3 (Stereotypes) and the activity book sections 4-6 (Perceptions and Stereotypes / Stereotypes about Japan / Stereotypes about Foreigners).
  • Textbook Chapter 4 listening & questions, and prepare to discuss activity book sections 7-8 (50分).
  • Cultural simulation: Taking on different cultural roles with different values and interacting 文化シミュレーション: それぞれが異なる価値観をもつ役割を得てシミュレーションに参加する. Discuss the textbook and its exercises in Chapter 4 (Verbal Communication) and the activity book sections 7-8 (Verbal Communication / Translation difficulties). Review of textbook chapters 1-4.
  • Textbook Chapter 5 listening & questions, and prepare to discuss activity book sections 9-10. Prepare for a quiz on Chapters 1-4 (90分).
  • Language: English and how it affects people's views of the world 言語:英語が人々の世界観に及ぼす影響について. Quiz on Chapters 1-4. Discuss the textbook and its exercises in Chapter 5 (Non-Verbal Communication) and the activity book sections 9-10 (Non-Verbal Communication: Gestures / Personal Space).
  • Textbook Chapter 6 listening & questions, and prepare to discuss activity book sections 11-12 (50分).
  • Nonverbal: Gestures from different cultures around the world and how they affect communication 非言語:様々な文化のジェスチャーとジェスチャーがコミュニケーションに与える影響について. Discuss the textbook and its exercises in Chapter 6 (Diversity) and the activity book sections 11-12 (Multiculturalism in Japan / How multicultural are you?).
  • Textbook Chapter 7 listening & questions, and prepare to discuss activity book sections 13-14 (50分).
  • Prior beliefs and how they shape seeing the world:Workshop with international students 信念や世界観は世界を見ることによってどのように形成されるか:留学生とのワークショップを通じて考える. Check textbook Chapter 7 (Perception differs according to the culture) and do the activity book sections 13-14 if time.
  • Textbook Chapter 8 listening & questions, and prepare to discuss activity book section 15 (40分).
  • Communication Styles in the world: Focusing on English-speaking countries in historical, social and cultural viewpoints. 世界のコミュニケーションスタイル:英語が使われている国を中心に(歴史、社会、文化の観点から). Discuss the textbook and its exercises in Chapter 8 (Communication Styles - 1) and the activity book section 15 (Your Communication Style).
  • Textbook Chapter 9 listening & questions, and prepare to discuss activity book section 16. Research how people communicate in your selected country for Presentation 2 (80分).
  • High and low context: Ways of thinking and values in different cultures and how they shape communication 高文脈文化と低文脈文化:文化に依存する思考方法とコミュニケーションスタイル. Discuss the textbook and its exercises in Chapter 9 (Communication Styles - 2) and the activity book section 16 (Public Self and Private Self). Individual presentation 2: introduce how people communicate in your selected country. Review of textbook chapters 5-9.
  • Prepare for a quiz on Chapters 5-9. Textbook Chapter 10 listening & questions, and prepare to discuss activity book section 17 (80分).
  • Values and beliefs: How values and beliefs of people around the world connect to social and cultural history 価値観と信念:価値観・信念と社会史・文化史との関連性について. Quiz on Chapters 5-9. Discuss the textbook and its exercises in Chapter 10 (Values) and the activity book section 17 (What is important to you?).
  • Textbook Chapter 11 listening & questions, and prepare to discuss activity book section 18 (40分).
  • Where our behaviour comes from: Link between values and behaviour and society 行動の起源:価値観、行動、社会と関連させて. Discuss the textbook and its exercises in Chapter 11 (Deep Culture) and the activity book section 18 (Cross-Cultural Values).
  • Textbook Chapter 12 listening & questions, and prepare to discuss activity book sections 19-20 (50分).
  • Cultural roleplays with international and exchange students in groups 留学生・交換学生との文化ロールプレイ (グループ活動). Check textbook Chapter 12 (Culture Shock) and the activity book sections 19-20 (Advice to Avoid Culture Shock / Experiencing Unfamiliar Cultures) if time. Quick review of chapters 10-12.
  • Prepare for a quiz on Chapters 10-12. To start preparing for the Final Presentation, research how women communicate in your selected culture (90分).
  • Culture shock カルチャー・ショック. Quiz on Chapters 10-12. Prepare for the Final Presentation.
  • Prepare for the Final Presentation with your partner (90分).
  • Review culture in our lives and in the future, Course Evaluation 復習:生活の中の文化、文化の将来について、授業評価アンケート. Final Presentation (in pairs): play the role of a woman from your selected country in intercultural communication, showing what you learned in this class.
準備学習 Prepare for class discussions and quizzes by studying the textbook and its activity book. Listen to the textbook CD for the next chapter each time and answer the comprehension & cultural questions. Some research for presentations will also be necessary.
Let the teacher know if you have any questions, problems, or you must be absent, by e-mail to: waoe@wilmina.ac.jp
教科書 1. Shaules, J., & Abe, J. (1997). Different Realities: Adventures in Intercultural Communication. Tokyo: Nan'un-do. 2. Abe, J. et al. (1998). Culture in action: Classroom Activities for Cultural Awareness. Tokyo: Nan'un-do.
成績評価方法・基準 Quizzes: 3x10=30%; Speeches: 10x2=20%, Final Presentation: 20%; Class Participation including homework: 30%
(和訳) 小テスト(10%×3)=30%, 発表(10%×2)=20%, プレゼンテーション=20%, 授業参加度(課題を含む)=30%
Feedback on presentations, discussions, and quizzes will be given by oral comments to the whole class and to individual students. e-mail is used when needed. Students are welcome to e-mail waoe@wilmina.ac.jp to contact the teacher about any problems or questions.
備考 使用言語:英語