現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 McCarty, Steve Syllabus2014 Topic Studies 1

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科目名 Topic Studies 1  Bilingualism and Bilingual Education
担当教員 McCarty, Steve
授業の目的、または到達目標 To understand bilingualism in different regions and at different levels,
including issues of bilingual child-raising at home and bilingual
education in schools.
Learning goals:
* explain the meaning of biligualism
* develop an understanding of bilignualism in Japanese society
* explain the levels of bilingualism and the ways in which these levels
are expressed in Japanese society
* consider the relationship between bilingualism and human rights
* determine how bilingualism is related to their own life choices now
and in the future
* research and report about bilingualism in Japan and around the world
授業の概要 Bilingualism is the study of languages in contact. At home, the main topic is
raising children to be bilingual, from age zero or before they start school. At
schools, bilingual education should involve teaching in two languages to
some extent, like the content-based English curriculum at OJU. By studying
this issue, students will discover more possible choices for their future life.
Bilingualism includes the individual level, such as a person's bilingual and
bicultural development; the family level, such as international marriages and
bilingual child-raising; the societal level, such as government policies and
language minorities in a society; and bilingual education, such as
international or bilingual schools. Students will also be able to consider
human rights related to bilingualism, such as the right to education in one's
native language, or the right to choose to be bilingual and bicultural.

科目群/ベンチマーク ptInt
授業の形態 Brief lectures, readings, discussions, presentations, and writing papers. A "blended" course using a computer classroom and online sites: Web, Moodle, and class blog.
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • About this class. Lecture: Meanings and levels of bilingualism. Becoming bilingual gives you greater choices.
  • Study the detailed syllabus, class blog links, and assigned reading.
  • Discuss the reading and other topics on bilingualism. Lecture: Jenkins-Soga example of family bilingualism.
  • Study the assigned reading and write notes to prepare to discuss it in class.
  • Discuss the reading and other topics on bilingualism.
  • Prepare the first Reflection & Response Paper on a topic related to bilingualism.
  • Submit first Reflection & Response Paper.
  • Study the assigned reading and write notes to prepare to discuss it in class.
  • Discuss the reading and other topics on bilingualism.
  • Study the assigned reading and write notes to prepare to discuss it in class.
  • Discuss the reading and other topics on bilingualism.
  • Study the assigned reading and write notes to prepare to discuss it in class.
  • Discuss the reading and other topics on bilingualism.
  • Prepare the second Reflection & Response Paper on bilingualism.
  • Submit second Reflection & Response Paper.
  • Study the assigned reading and write notes to prepare to discuss it in class.
  • Discuss the reading and other topics on bilingualism.
  • Study the assigned reading and write notes to prepare to discuss it in class.
  • Discuss the reading and other topics on bilingual education.
  • Study the assigned reading and write notes to prepare to discuss it in class.
  • Discuss the reading and other topics on bilingual education.
  • Prepare the third Reflection & Response Paper on bilingual education.
  • Submit third Reflection & Response Paper. Introduction to the group Research Presentation & written Summary.
  • Study the assigned reading and write notes to prepare to discuss it in class.
  • Discuss the assigned reading. Plan group Research Presentation.
  • Plan and prepare Group Research Presentation.
  • Prepare Group Research Presentation.
  • Prepare group Research Presentation and typed Summary of your part, including References (sources of your information).
  • Group Research Presentations. Each student submit a Summary of your part of the presentation, including References you used. Course conclusions.
準備学習 About two hours a week, study and prepare to discuss the handouts and online sources on bilingualism. Prepare a group presentation and papers with citations and References in APA style. Use the library, Web and class sites for research.
教科書 None
成績評価方法・基準 Class work (class participation, homework, preparation for discussions and reporting in English): 40%. Research Presentation: 20%. Summary of Research Presentation & References: 10%. Reflection & Response Papers (3x10): 30%.
関連リンク http://commune.wilmina.ac.jp/weblog/waoe/2012/09


担当教員 開講学期 開講曜日 開講時限 履修クラス 単位数
McCarty, Steve 春学期 月曜日 3時限 PInt-1 2