現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 東條 加寿子 Syllabus2018 Integrated Reading 1

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科目名 Integrated Reading 1 
担当教員 千葉 奈乙江、松尾 徹、森田 まき、大塚 朝美、沢田 美保子、東條 加寿子、上野 育子
授業の目的、または到達目標 At the end of the course, students will be able:
to read English passages efficiently and accurately without depending on translation,
to find the main idea and supporting ideas by summarizing and outlining,
to grasp the meaning of a word, phrase, or sentence from the context, and
to form one's own view by interpreting, analyzing, and criticizing the author's view.
All of these skills will be needed for theme-based studies in advanced grades.
授業の概要 The class introduces the Unit topics of peace and ethics, values and cultures. It reinforces any rhetorical patterns taught by the Integrated Writing teachers, and includes various reading activities such as finding the main idea, topic sentence in a paragraph, thesis statement and supporting ideas; paying attention to organization; using effective transitions; outlining; grasping the meaning of unknown word/expression from the context; paraphrasing; summarizing; and distinguishing facts from opinions. Students are encouraged to be involved in timed reading and extensive reading in/out of the class. Vocabulary quizzes and unit review quizzes are given.

科目群/ベンチマーク 全レベル必修ENG1330(716生以降)
授業の形態 The class meets twice a week and includes various reading activities using eBooks, the extensive reading software and other reading materials to develop effective reading skills. Projects will give students a chance to work in group.
The class meets twice a week.
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • Course orientation
  • Introduction to Reading (Chapter 7 Reading: Playing with Text)
  • Vocabulary study; comprehension questions; structure work; extensive reading; other assigned work
  • Introduction to Reading (Chapter 8 Reading Strategies and Extensive Reading)
  • Vocabulary study; comprehension questions; structure work; extensive reading; other assigned work
  • Introduction to Reading (Chapter 8 Reading Strategies and Extensive Reading)
  • Vocabulary study; comprehension questions; structure work; extensive reading; other assigned work
  • Introduction to Reading (Chapter 9 Reading Skills)
  • Vocabulary study; comprehension questions; structure work; extensive reading; other assigned work
  • Introduction to Reading (Chapter 10 Good Reading Habits, Good Reading Skills)
  • Vocabulary study; comprehension questions; structure work; extensive reading; other assigned work
  • Introduction to Reading (Chapter 10 Good Reading Habits, Good Reading Skills)
  • Vocabulary study; comprehension questions; structure work; extensive reading; other assigned work
  • Peace Book: Chapter 1 (Required) Approaches to Peace (Personal involvement in peace)
  • Timed Reading
  • Vocabulary study; comprehension questions; structure work; extensive reading; other assigned work
  • Peace Book: Chapter 1 (Required) Approaches to Peace (Personal involvement in peace)
  • Vocabulary Quiz
  • Vocabulary study; comprehension questions; structure work; extensive reading; other assigned work
  • Peace Book: Chapter 2 (Required) Action by Peacemakers (How others have worked for peace)
  • Timed Reading
  • Vocabulary study; comprehension questions; structure work; extensive reading; other assigned work
  • Peace Book: Chapter 2 (Required) Action by Peacemakers (How others have worked for peace)
  • Vocabulary Quiz
  • Vocabulary study; comprehension questions; structure work; extensive reading; other assigned work
  • Peace Book: Chapter 3 (Required) Peace on a personal Level (Conflict resolution)
  • Timed Reading
  • Vocabulary study; comprehension questions; structure work; extensive reading; other assigned work
  • Peace Book: Chapter 3 (Required) Peace on a personal Level (Conflict resolution)
  • Vocabulary Quiz
  • Vocabulary study; comprehension questions; structure work; extensive reading; other assigned work
  • Peace Book: Chapter 4 (Required) Japan's Role in Peace (NGOs)
  • Timed Reading
  • Vocabulary study; comprehension questions; structure work; extensive reading; other assigned work
  • Peace Book: Chapter 4 (Required) Japan's Role in Peace (NGOs)
  • Vocabulary Quiz
  • Vocabulary study; comprehension questions; structure work; extensive reading; other assigned work
  • Project 1
  • Preparation for Project
準備学習 Students are expected to prepare for the class by reading the assigned passages, studying new vocabulary, and doing other assigned work. They are also expected to be well-prepared for the projects.
教科書 Original eBooks created by OJU: Becoming a Peacemaker: A Reader 2017 and Ethics, Values and Culture: A Reader 2017.
参考文献 A General Reader (eBook)
xReading (Extensive reading software)
成績評価方法・基準 1. Classwork ...........................................................30%
a) attendance/class participation
b) quizzes (vocabulary, comprehension, etc.)
c) summary and reflection writing
d) other assignments
2. Timed reading........................................................10%
3. Extensive reading (xReading, library books) including book review report(s)......10%
4. Projects (15% x 2)....................................................30%
5. Unit review quiz (10% x 2)...........................................20%


担当教員 開講学期 開講曜日 開講時限 履修クラス 単位数
上野 育子 春学期 火曜日 2時限 c2 4
上野 育子 春学期 金曜日 1時限 c2 4
千葉 奈乙江 春学期 火曜日 2時限 a1 4
千葉 奈乙江 春学期 金曜日 1時限 a1 4
大塚 朝美 春学期 火曜日 2時限 d2 4
大塚 朝美 春学期 金曜日 2時限 d2 4
東條 加寿子 春学期 火曜日 2時限 b1 4
東條 加寿子 春学期 金曜日 1時限 b1 4
松尾 徹 春学期 月曜日 2時限 c1 4
松尾 徹 春学期 水曜日 1時限 c1 4
森田 まき 春学期 月曜日 2時限 c3 4
森田 まき 春学期 水曜日 1時限 c3 4
森田 まき 春学期 水曜日 6時限 r1 4
森田 まき 春学期 金曜日 6時限 r1 4
沢田 美保子 春学期 火曜日 2時限 d1 4
沢田 美保子 春学期 金曜日 2時限 d1 4