現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 東條 加寿子 Syllabus2017 Academic Reading

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科目名 Academic Reading 
担当教員 廣瀬 恭子、宮元 友之、徳永 昌彦
授業の目的、または到達目標 - use their passive and active vocabulary acquired in the content areas of communication and education.
- read effectively with new content-area vocabulary.
- understand issues in communication and education in depth through reading.
授業の概要 Students will study vocabulary through reading in the area of English for academic purposes. Students will be reading intensively as well as extensively to learn the core vocabulary and the reading strategies needed for further academic work.

科目群/ベンチマーク 共通英語科目
授業の形態 Teachers will have a choice of textbooks to teach from. Since this course focuses on learning vocabulary through reading and content, students need to read and then spend time on using the new vocabulary. Thus, the class may consists of reviewing a reading, reviewing the vocabulary, and discussing the content using the new vocabulary that they have learned. In addition, students should keep vocabulary cards or vocabulary notebooks and review the new words often.
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • A: Introduction to the course
  • B: Introduction to the course
  • Vocabulary study; pre-reading work for the assigned chapter
  • A: Unit 1 The Effects of Advertising
  • B: Unit 1 The Wonder of Language
  • Vocabulary study; pre-reading work for the assigned chapter
  • A: Unit 2 Extreme Sports
  • B: Unit 2 Population Pyramid
  • Vocabulary study; pre-reading work for the assigned chapter
  • A: Unit 3 Our Aging Population
  • B: Unit 3 Sports and Competition
  • Vocabulary study; pre-reading work for the assigned chapter
  • A: Unit 4 Robots in the Home
  • B: Unit 4 What is Global Warming?
  • Vocabulary study; pre-reading work for the assigned chapter
  • A: Unit 5 Animals: Our Research Partners?
  • B: Unit 5 Beauty
  • Vocabulary study; pre-reading work for the assigned chapter
  • A: Unit 6 The Online Information Debate
  • B: Unit 6 A Vegetable Diet
  • Vocabulary study; pre-reading work for the assigned chapter
  • A: Mid-term quiz
  • B: Mid-term quiz
  • Preparation for Mid-term quiz
  • A: Unit 7 Online Advertising: Making Our Lives Better?
  • B: Unit 7 The Rise and Fall of Languages
  • Vocabulary study; pre-reading work for the assigned chapter
  • A: Unit 8 Winning at Any Cost
  • B: Unit 8 Consequences of population Growth
  • Vocabulary study; pre-reading work for the assigned chapter
  • A: Unit 9 Do You Want to Live Forever?
  • B: Unit 9 The Economics of Sports
  • Vocabulary study; pre-reading work for the assigned chapter
  • A: Unit 10 I Lost my Job to a Machine!
  • B: Unit 10 The Modern Meaning of Myth
  • Vocabulary study; pre-reading work for the assigned chapter
  • A: Unit 11 Treatment of Animals
  • B: Unit 11 Improving Our Nature?
  • Vocabulary study; pre-reading work for the assigned chapter
  • A: Unit 12 Who Owns the News?
  • B: Unit 12 Animal Slaves
  • Vocabulary study; pre-reading work for the assigned chapter
  • A: Final quiz
  • B: Final quiz
  • Preparation for Final quiz
教科書 The instructor will choose the textbook from:
A: Browne, Charles, Culligan, Brent and Phillips, Joseph (2014) In Focus 1 (Cambridge University Press)
B: Browne, Charles, Culligan, Brent and Phillips, Joseph (2014) In Focus 2 (Cambridge University Press)
成績評価方法・基準 Course work...................................................................80%
a. Vocabulary work (including word cards and vocabulary notebook)(30%)
b. Class work and assignment (including reading comprehension and summaries, and use of selected vocabulary in a discussion or written work)(30%)
c. Reading/vocabulary quizzes and comprehension checks(20%)

In-class mid-term quiz........................................................10%
In-class final quiz..............................................................10%


担当教員 開講学期 開講曜日 開講時限 履修クラス 単位数