現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 東條 加寿子 Syllabus2012 Vocabulary through Reading -Global Issue

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科目名 Vocabulary through Reading -Global Issue 
担当教員 奥本 京子、飯田 依子、沢田 美保子、東條 加寿子、井上 聖子、大塚 朝美、井上 球美子、前田美子
授業の目的、または到達目標 At the end of the course, students:
Can use their passive and active vocabulary built in the content area of global issues.
Can read effectively with vocabulary built in the content area.
Can understand global issues in depth through reading.
授業の概要 Teachers will have a choice of textbooks to teach from. A pre a choice of textbooks to teach from. A pre-test will be give at the beginning of the course to determine students' current level. Since this course on learning voacabulary through reading and content, students need to read and then spend time on using the new vocabulary. Thus, a class may consist of reviewing a reading, reviewing the vocabulary, and discussing the content using the new vocabualary that they have learned. In addition, students should keep vocabulary cards or vocabulary notebooks and review the new words often.

授業の形態 Class may consists of reviewing a reading, reviewing the vocabulary, and discussing the content reviewing the vocabulary, and discussing the content using the new vocabulary that they have learned.
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • Introduction to the course  
  • Will be announced in class  
  • Chapter 1 of the textbook  
  • Chapter 2 of the textbook; Quiz on the vocabulary  
  • Chapter 3 of the textbook; Quiz on the vocabulary  
  • Chapter 4 of the textbook; Quiz on the vocabulary  
  • Chapter 5 of the textbook; Quiz on the vocabulary  
  • Chapter 6 of the textbook; Quiz on the vocabulary  
  • Chapter 7 of the textbook; Quiz on the vocabulary  
  • Chapter 8 of the textbook; Quiz on the vocabulary  
  • Chapter 9 of the textbook; Quiz on the vocabulary  
  • Chapter 10 of the textbook; Quiz on the vocabulary  
  • Chapter 11 of the textbook; Quiz on the vocabulary  
  • Chapter 12 of the textbook; Quiz on the vocabulary  
  • Chapter 13 of the textbook; Quiz on the vocabulary  
  • Final Examination  
教科書 Instructors will choose a textbook for their class.
成績評価方法・基準 Course work...............80%
a. Word cards and vocabulary notebooks(may include student presentations)...40%
b. Homework from text(includes reading comprehension) ...20%
c. In class work(includes weekly reading/vocabulary quizzes, comprehension checks, and use of selected vocabulary in a discussion or written work) ...20%

In-class mid-term quiz .....................................10%
In-class final quiz ........................................10%


担当教員 開講学期 開講曜日 開講時限 履修クラス 単位数
井上 球美子 秋学期 火曜日 4時限 I4 2
井上 聖子 春学期 月曜日 3時限 I2 2
大塚 朝美 秋学期 水曜日 4時限 I3 2
奥本 京子 春学期 火曜日 5時限 A1 2
東條 加寿子 春学期 火曜日 4時限 I1 2
沢田 美保子 秋学期 金曜日 3時限 A3 2
飯田 依子 春学期 火曜日 3時限 A2 2
飯田 依子 秋学期 火曜日 3時限 A4 2