現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 Teaman, Brian Syllabus2014 Topic Studies 2

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科目名 Topic Studies 2  Communication, Technology and Simplicity
担当教員 Teaman, Brian
授業の目的、または到達目標 * can explain how technology and communication varies in different cultures
* can discuss how technology and communication relates to peaceful living
* can consider the role of technology and communication in our daily life
* can discuss the relationship between technology and environmental problems
授業の概要 Attitudes and approaches to technology and communication will be applied to daily living. Looking at communication and technology in many contexts: throughout history and through the eyes of different cultures, especially the Amish. We will consider the important role that technology plays in our life for peaceful and non-peaceful purposes. Different cultures will be used as examples of how people communicate and choose to live with more or less technology.

科目群/ベンチマーク ptInt
授業の形態 Lecture, discussion, student presentations
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • Introduction to the course; Aspects of communication, technology and simplicity. Introduction to the Amish. Course topic and Japan
  • Reading: How do the Amish thrive in the midst of modern life? Why do the Amish separate themselves from the modern world?
  • Challenges of the outside world
  • Readings: Why do a religious people spurn religious symbols and church buildings? Why is humility a cherished value?
  • Religion in Amish Life
  • Reading: Why do a gentle people shun disobedient members? How do the Amish regulate social change?
  • Social Control
  • Reading: Why are telephones banned from Amish homes? Why are some forms of electricity acceptable while others are rejected? How is modern machinery operated without electricity?
  • Technology and Communication
  • Why is ownership of cars objectionable, but not their use? Why are some modes of transportation acceptable and other forbidden?
  • Transportation
  • Reading: Why are tractors permitted around barns but not in fields? Why are horses used to pull modern farm machinery?
  • Life on the farm
  • Reading: Why are some occupations acceptable and others taboo? Why do the Amish use the services of professionals -- lawyers, doctors, and dentists -- but oppose higher education?
  • Other Occupations
  • Reading: Why do Amish youth rebel in their teenage years? Family
  • Family and Youth
  • Reading: Are the Amish behind or ahead of the modern world?
  • The future of the Amish
  • Begin Research on Early Japan. Find 5 sources and notes.
  • Modern Life: Can we balance convenience and survival?
  • Outline due for Comparison and Contrast paper
  • Consumerism and Environmentalism
  • Prepare for 5 minute mini-presentation on other groups
  • Other Groups
  • First draft of final paper due in class
  • Final Papers due
  • Prepare for final discussion
  • Course wrap up.
準備学習 Students will discuss, write and present. There will be weekly reading or independent research to do.
教科書 The Puzzles of Amish Life (People's Place Book No. 10), Good Books. Donald Kraybill (1998) and teacher supplied readings
参考文献 Students will have notes prepared for discussion, vocabulary notebook or cards,
成績評価方法・基準 Work in classroom and homework (60%)
Writing (40%) at least 2 reflection papers and a research paper of 3 pages plus sources.


担当教員 開講学期 開講曜日 開講時限 履修クラス 単位数
Teaman, Brian 秋学期 水曜日 2時限 PInt-1 2