現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 Teaman, Brian Syllabus2013 Topic Studies 1

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科目名 Topic Studies 1  Simplicity and Technology
担当教員 Teaman, Brian
授業の目的、または到達目標 To increase awareness in the changes and developments in technology that relate to issues of daily living in different societies. To allow students to reach their own conclusions about how they will live their lives in relation to technology.
Learning goals:
* can explain how technology varies in different cultures
* can discuss how technology relates to peaceful living
* can consider the role of technology in our daily life
* can discuss the relationship between technology and environmental problems
授業の概要 Attitudes and approaches to technology will be applied to the topic of daily living. Looking at technology in many contexts: throughout history and in different cultures. We will consider the important role that technology plays in our life for peaceful and non-peaceful purposes. Students will learn to consider the role of technology in their lives and throughout the world. Different cultures will be used as examples of how people choose to live with more or less technology including the Amish, The Japanese of different eras and so-called primitive cultures in different parts of the world.

科目群/ベンチマーク PT-Adv.
授業の形態 Classroom methods: Lectures, discussion, reading, writing, video, presentations
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • Introduction. Approaches to technology and simplicity. Amish, primitive society, modern society.
  • Brainstorming: personal attitudes about technology. Reading: intro to Amish life.
  • Technology: the good and the bad. Some modern rejections of technology.
  • Reading: Problems of technology
  • Introduction to the Amish
  • Reading: Amish Family
  • Amish society
  • Begin work on Project 1: Amish
  • Amish and technology
  • Continue work on Project 1
  • Amish Project 1
  • Portfolio 1
  • Introduction to primitive society
  • Amish Quiz, Amish Presentation summary due
  • Yanomami society
  • Reading on Yanomami
  • Yanomami Technology
  • Reading on Yanomami technology, brainstorming for primitive discussion
  • Primitive culture presentation
  • Reading on Japan history
  • Ancient Japan
  • Reading on Japan history
  • Japan over the last 150 years
  • Reading: Ancient Japan
  • Japan in the future
  • Reading: Early modern Japan
  • Final Presentation
  • Some topic of simplicity
  • Final discussion and portfolio
  • Final portfolio due. Will be graded in class.
準備学習 Students should spend several hours outside of class each week. Outside work will include reading, research,preparing for discussions, preparing for presentations and writing reaction papers.
教科書 Provided by teacher.
成績評価方法・基準 Class work, quizzes, writings, discussions, participation = 40%
Research Presentation = 20%
Summary of Research Presentation & References= 10%
Reflection & Response papers=30%


担当教員 開講学期 開講曜日 開講時限 履修クラス 単位数
Teaman, Brian 春学期 月曜日 1時限 PAdv-1 2