現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 廣瀬 恭子 Syllabus2019 Theme Studies

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科目名 Theme Studies  Introduction to English Literature
担当教員 廣瀬 恭子
授業の目的、または到達目標 To introduce students to the major writers of English literature and their works and to explore the features of these.
Learning Goals:
*can identify major points in the history of English literature
*can identify the major writers of English literature and their works
*can identify and discuss features of English literature
授業の概要 This course will examine the history of English literature and explore its features. Students will read the texts on the lives of great English writers such as William Shakespeare, William Wordsworth, Jane Austen, and Charles Dickens, study the historical background, and examine the major forms of English literature: poetry, drama, and novel.

科目群/ベンチマーク ENG2999 (715生以前)・ Foundation, Standard,レベル必修 ENG2510 (716生以降)
授業の形態 Lecture, discussion, research, presentation
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • Introduction to the course
  • Assigned Reading & Worksheet(1.5 hours)
  • Old English Literature("Beowulf") and Middle English Literature(Geoffrey Chaucer)
  • Assigned Reading & Worksheet(1.5 hours)
  • William Shakespeare 1
  • Assigned Reading & Worksheet(1.5 hours), Reflection & response paper(1hour)
  • William Shakespeare 2
  • Assigned Reading & Worksheet(1.5 hours)
  • William Shakespeare 3
  • Assigned Reading & Worksheet(1.5 hours), Reflection & response paper(1 hour)
  • John Milton
  • Assigned Reading & Worksheet(1.5 hours)
  • Jonathan Swift & Daniel Defoe
  • Assigned Reading & Worksheet(1.5 hours), Preparationg for Mid-term Quiz(2 hours)
  • Samuel Johnson & Mid-term Quiz
  • Assigned Reading & Worksheet(1.5 hours)
  • William Wordsworth & Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • Assigned Reading & Worksheet(1.5 hours), Reflection & response paper(1 hour)
  • Jane Austen
  • Assigned Reading & Worksheet(1.5 hours)
  • Charles Dickens
  • Assinged Reading & Worksheet(1.5 hours), Reflection & response paper(1 hour)
  • The Brontes and George Eliot
  • Assigned Reading & Worksheet(1.5 hours)
  • James Joyce & T.S. Eliot
  • Preparation for research presentation and written summary and reflection of research(2 hours)
  • Research Presentation
  • Preparation for Final Quiz (2 hours)
  • Review & Final Quiz
準備学習 Students are expected to read course readings, do worksheets, and prepare for subsequent class discussions and quizzes. Students will also be responsible for a research presentation in an area of interest in English literature and prepare a summary and reflection of research with references. In addition, students will write reflection & response papers or short research papers
教科書 B.D.Tucker & Philip Williams, "Invitation to British Literature" (Yumi Press)
参考文献 Jonathan Bate, "English Literature:A Very Short Introduction" (Oxford Univ. Press)
成績評価方法・基準 Evaluation is based on class work, quizzes, presentation, and papers:
Class work & quizzes (includes in-class work, homework, presentations, quizzes, discussions): 40%
Research presentation & written summary & reflection of research:
Research presentation 20%
Written summary & reflection of research: 10%
Papers: 30%
Papers: Reflection & response papers or short research papers.

Quizzes will be evaluated and returned.Papers will be corrected and returned in one or two weeks.