現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 教務ユーザ Syllabus2015 Topic Studies1

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科目名 Topic Studies1   Language & Society
担当教員 Lyddon, Paul
授業の目的、または到達目標 To understand the role of social factors in language use.
Learning Goals:
* can summarize and discuss introductory sociolinguistic texts
* can explain the influence of various social factors on language use
* can identify real-world applications of key sociolinguistic concepts
* can collect, analyze, and interpret basic sociolinguistic data
授業の概要 This course will consider issues in language and society. Questions we will consider include: Why do people from different parts of the same country speak differently? Why do women speak differently from men? What is the difference between a dialect and a language? These are a few of the questions that will be explored in this introductory course on sociolinguistics.

科目群/ベンチマーク pt Adv
授業の形態 Lecture, discussion
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • Course Introduction and Overview
  • Ch. 1, pp. 1-22
  • What is Sociolinguistics?
  • Ch. 2, pp. 23-41; Reflection & Response Paper #1
  • Language and Social Class
  • Research Project/Paper Topic
  • Language and Social Class (cont’d.)
  • Ch. 3, pp. 42-60
  • Language and Ethnic Group
  • Research Project/Paper Proposal
  • Language and Ethnic Group (cont’d.)
  • Ch. 4, pp. 61-80; Reflection & Response Paper #2
  • Language and Gender
  • Language and Gender (cont’d.)
  • Ch. 8, pp. 147-164; Reflection & Response Paper #3
  • Language and Geography
  • Language and Geography (cont’d.)
  • Ch. 9, pp. 165-184
  • Language and Contact
  • Research Paper Draft due (Topic Studies 2 only)
  • Language and Contact (cont’d.)
  • Ch. 10, pp. 185-203; Reflection & Response Paper #4
  • Language and Humanism
  • Research Project Presentations (Topic Studies 1 only)
  • Research Summary & Reflection OR Final Research Paper
  • Course Review
準備学習 20 pp. reading with T/F, MC, and/or matching quiz every two weeks; one 60-min. discussion activity; one 1-2 pp. typed essay every two chapters; one group research presentation with written summary and reflection (Topic Studies 1) or 3-4 pp. formal research paper with references (Topic Studies 2)
教科書 Trudgill, P. (2001). Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to Language and Society (4th ed.). London: Penguin.
成績評価方法・基準 Topic Studies 1: Classwork & Quizzes (40%), Reflection & Response Papers (30%), Group Research Presentation (20%), Research Summary & Reflection (10%)
Topic Studies 2: Classwork and Quizzes (60%), Reflection & Summary Papers + Research Paper (40%)


担当教員 開講学期 開講曜日 開講時限 履修クラス 単位数
Lyddon, Paul 春学期 火曜日 2時限 PAdv-4 2