現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 教務ユーザ Syllabus2014 Theme Studies 1

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科目名 Theme Studies 1  Guide to Effective Management
担当教員 寺岡 国一
授業の目的、または到達目標 To understand how a company (or organization) can effectively be
managed and how the people working there can be motivated and
mobilized to achieve the organization's and their own goals.
Learning goals:
*can understand how a company is run and managed
*can understand why and how managers motivate and mobilize their
people raise awareness and interest in business and management
授業の概要 This course will explore the ways for effective management of companies or
organizations, with a focus on achieving a practical understanding of
business management. In order to accomplish this, students will read material
guiding them in effective management, make brief oral summaries of the
readings, prepare longer presentations about the topics studied, and write a
research paper about one of the topics they examine during the course.

授業の形態 The content of the class dictates the actual style of the class, but courses an include discussions, individual and group presentations, debates, as well as lectures and both in class and out of class work on developing knowledge of the content area as well as improving English skills.

時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • Guidance for the course, trial lession
  • Sales questions that close the sale
  • P63 - 66, short quize, presentation, Q&A
  • Sales questions that close the sale
  • P67 - 70, short quize, presentation, Q&A
  • Sales questions that close the sale
  • P71 - 74, short quize, presentation, Q&A
  • Sales questions that close the sale
  • P75 - 78, short quize, presentation, Q&A
  • Listening: The forgotten skill
  • P133 - 136, short quize, presentation, Q&A
  • Listening: The forgotten skill
  • P137 - 141, short quize, presentation, Q&A
  • Listening: The forgotten skill
  • P142 - 145, short quize, presentation, Q&A
  • The leader's window
  • P81 - 84, short quize, presentation, Q&A
  • The leader's window
  • P85 - 88, short quize, presentation, Q&A
  • The leader's window
  • P89 - 93, short quize, presentation, Q&A
  • The leader's window
  • P94 - 98, short quize, presentation, Q&A
  • The leader's window
  • P99 - 104, short quize, presentation, Q&A
  • How to make the most of your workday
  • P149 - 153, short quize, presentation, Q&A
  • How to make the most of your workday
  • P154 - 156, short quize, presentation, Q&A
準備学習 Pre-reading of 4 - 6 pages prior to each lession
Presentation preparation for each assigned part
教科書 The text will be provided at the first lession day.
Nothing special
成績評価方法・基準 Evaluation is based on course work, participation, and papers: Class work & quizzes – 40% (includes in-class work, homework, presentations, quizzes, discussions); Group research presentation – 20% & written summary & reflection of research – 10%; Reflection & response papers – 30% (4 or more, see information about each of the courses).


担当教員 開講学期 開講曜日 開講時限 履修クラス 単位数
寺岡 国一 春学期 月曜日 2時限 PInt-2 2