現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 教務ユーザ Syllabus2013 English Strategies 1-TOEIC(400-495)

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科目名 English Strategies 1-TOEIC(400-495)  TOEIC400以上495以下
担当教員 夫 明美、上田 洋子
授業の目的、または到達目標 The course aims to help students improve overall English skills by focusing on mainly TOEIC tests. Students should get a TOEIC score of 500 or above when they successfully finish the course.
授業の概要 Students should learn:
how to take standardized tests effectively.
vocabulary frequently used in standardized tests.
timed-reading and listening skills.
to evaluate grammar errors

授業の形態 Lecture, Drill, Grammar-Vocabulary-Listening or Reading Quiz
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • IT: Preliminary Lesson & EG: 1. 品詞 
  • Preparation for Class  
  • IT: Lesson 1; EG: 2. 名詞を修飾する言葉; VQ1
  • Preparation for Class  
  • IT: Lesson 2; EG: 3. 動詞の形; GQ1
  • Preparation for Class  
  • IT: Lesson 2 ,3; EG: 4. 時制と仮定法; VQ2
  • Preparation for Class  
  • IT: Lesson 3; EG: 5. 代名詞; GQ2
  • Preparation for Class  
  • IT: Lesson 4; EG: 6. 接続詞; VQ3
  • Preparation for Class  
  • Review Quiz I
  • Preparation for Class  
  • IT: Lesson 4; EG: 7. 分詞; GQ3
  • Preparation for Class  
  • IT: Lesson 5; EG: 8. 関係詞; VQ4
  • Preparation for Class  
  • IT: Lesson 5 , 6; EG: 9. 比較; GQ4
  • Preparation for Class  
  • IT: Lesson 6; EG: 10. 語法; RQ1
  • Preparation for Class  
  • IT: Lesson 7; EG: Review
  • Preparation for Class  
  • IT: Lesson 7; EG: 総仕上げと英文法模擬テスト 
  • Preparation for Class  
  • IT: Review; RQ2
  • Preparation for Class  
  • Review Quiz II
準備学習 To prepare for quizzes
Read assigned pages and do assigned exercises beforehand
教科書 Miyazaki, M. & Broukal, M. (2007). Intensive Training for the TOEIC Test: Student Book. Tokyo: Seibido. (IT)
小石裕子(2006)『新TOEICテスト 英文法出るとこだけ』アルク (EG)
成績評価方法・基準 Class work: Homework (quizzes, review quizzes, etc.) : 70%
Vocabulary quizzes (4 times)----15%
Reading quizzes (2 times)--------10%
Grammar quizzes (4 times) -----15%
Review Quiz 1 --------------------15%
Review Quiz 2 --------------------15%
Final Exam (TOEIC-IP): 30%
関連リンク http://www.toeic.or.jp/
備考 A make-up Final Exam will be given according to the school's make-up exam policy.
Re-examination of the Final Exam will not be given.
There will be no make-up exams or re-exams for in-class quizzes.
If a student's score on the Final Exam (TOEIC-IP) is below 400, she cannot pass the course.


担当教員 開講学期 開講曜日 開講時限 履修クラス 単位数
大塚 朝美 秋学期 月曜日 5時限 d 2
夫 明美 春学期 火曜日 4時限 b 2
夫 明美 秋学期 火曜日 4時限 c 2
波々伯部 陽子 春学期 月曜日 1時限 a 2