現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 教務ユーザ Syllabus2013 Topic Studies 2

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科目名 Topic Studies 2  Issues in Civil Liberties
担当教員 Fujimoto, Donna
授業の目的、または到達目標 To learn about what rights and freedoms a person has, in a modern society, to be able to give reasons for why people have rights. and to explore what rights people should have.
Learning Goals
* can understand why people have rights and freedoms in a democracy
* can compare rights in modern democracies
* can explain civil rights issues in detail
* can give rational opinions on various rights issues
授業の概要 This class will introduce students issues in civil liberties. Students will learn about what kind of rights a citizen has in a modern democracy. Students will first learn about the history of individual rights. Topics discussed will include: discrimination against minorities (e.g. African Americans, Korean residents of Japan), legal rights, immigrant's rights, autonomy (e.g. gay marriage, abortion, euthanasia), free speech, privacy and surveillance and movie piracy. Finally we will consider the future direction of individual rights.

科目群/ベンチマーク PT-Int.
授業の形態 This course will include readings, short lectures, student presentations, discussion and writing.
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • Introductory class
  • read ch. 1
  • Civil vs human rights
  • read ch. 2
  • Quiz 1, History of rights
  • read ch. 3a
  • Minorities
  • read ch. 3b
  • Discrimination
  • read ch. 4a
  • Legal rights in Japan
  • read ch. 4b
  • Autonomy and privacy
  • read ch. 4c
  • Justice and police powers
  • presentation research
  • Poster presentations
  • read ch. 5
  • Quiz 2, Free speech
  • read ch. 6a
  • Digital rights
  • read ch. 6b
  • Quiz 3, copyright & trademark
  • read ch. 6c
  • Property rights
  • read ch. 7
  • Bio-engineering
  • reflection preparation
  • Quiz 4, Review & reflection
準備学習 Homework will include pre-writing tasks, writing essays, reading, research, preparing for presentations and interactive in-class activities.
教科書 Material will be provided by the teacher
成績評価方法・基準 Grades are based on class work, writing assignments (both rough and edited drafts), writing skills quizzes, homework and active attendance. Note: students must submit all of the writing assignments in order to pass.


担当教員 開講学期 開講曜日 開講時限 履修クラス 単位数
Fujimoto, Donna 秋学期 火曜日 2時限 PInt-3 2