現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 教務ユーザ Syllabus2013 Topic Studies 1

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科目名 Topic Studies 1  Women & Human rights
担当教員 飯田 依子
授業の目的、または到達目標 To explore the relationship between women and human rights
and examine gender issues in society.
Learning goals:
* can explain the links between women and human rights
* can discuss the role women play in promoting human rights activism
* can consider the ways in which they can participate in human rights activism
授業の概要 This course will explore human rights through investigation of issues that face women in society today. In addition, the course will consider recent gender issues and their impact on human rights. Emphasis will be placed on examination of the human rights issues that women face in order to understand the relationship between women and human rights.

科目群/ベンチマーク PT-Adv.
授業の形態 Lectures, Individual/Pair/Group Work, and Quizzes
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • Introduction
  • Reading:women's education and social position before women's higher education (post secondary education) begins in Japan
  • women's education and social position before women's higher educaion (post secondary education) begins in Japan
  • Reading:same as above
  • same as above
  • Reading:Tohoku Teikoku Daigaku accepts female students
  • Tohoku Teikoku Daigaku accepts female students
  • Reading:same as above
  • same as above (Reflection & Response paper 1 is due.)
  • Reading:rinji kyoiku kaigi and some movements associated with women's higher education from around 1917 to during world war II
  • rinji kyoiku kaigi and some movements associated with women's higher education from aroud 1917 to during world war II
  • Reading:same as above
  • same as above
  • Reading:occupations
  • occupations
  • Reading:education reform after WWII and the American occupation
  • education reform after WWII and the American occupation (Reflection & Response paper 2 is due.)
  • Reading:new laws and new education systems
  • new laws and new education systems
  • Reading:post war number of schools, female students and the course they selected
  • post war number of schools, female students and the course they selected
  • Reading:post war situation of female students and their institutions of higher education
  • post war situation of female students and their instituions of higher education
  • Reading:same as above
  • same as above (Summary of Research Presentation & References is due.)
  • Reading:occupations
  • occupations
  • Preparation for Group Research Presentation
  • Group Research Presentation
準備学習 Students will be asked to read about 15-20 pages per week.
教科書 プリントを配布
参考文献 To be announced in class.
成績評価方法・基準 Class Work & Quizzes 40%,
Group Research Presentation 20%,
Summary of Research Presentation & References 10%,
Reflection & Response papers 30%


担当教員 開講学期 開講曜日 開講時限 履修クラス 単位数
飯田 依子 春学期 火曜日 4時限 PAdv-4 2