現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 教務ユーザ Syllabus2012 Business of Interpreting

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科目名 Business of Interpreting 
担当教員 友野 百枝
授業の目的、または到達目標 To learn the principles of interpreting while acquiring basic interpreting skills

Learning goals:
Can explain different styles of interpreting
Can explain what makes a 'good interpreting'
Can interpret speeches consecutively from English to Japanes, and from Japanese to English
Can interpret simple speeches simultaneously from E to J, with a speech text
授業の概要 Students will be introduced to the world of interpreting as a profession, through lectures, discussions and practical exercises. They will learn about various kinds of interpreting situations (business meetings, seminars and forums, scientific and technical conferences, etc), different interpreting styles (consecutive, simultaneous, whispering etc.) and understand what are the requirements imposed on ‘a good interpreter’ in each of those different environments. The program will also include practical training of interpreting skills in order to experience excitement and challenges of interpreting, fist-hand.

授業の形態 Lectures, discussions, skill practices and quizzes
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  •  Self-introduction of participants/ Orientation/ Introduction to the list of reading related to interpreting  
  •  sight translation practice of an article
  •  Key words to understanding of business of interpreting  
  •  sight translation practice of an article
  •  Key words to understanding of business of interpreting   
  •  sight translation practice of an article
  •  E→J consecutive (summary interpreting/ short passage)  Sight translation  
  • sight translation practice of an article  
  • E→J consecutive (summary interpreting/ short passage)  Sight translation    
  •  sight translation practice of an article
  •  J→E consecutive (sentence level)/ Sight translation   
  •  sight translation practice of an article
  • J→E consecutive (sentence level)/ Sight translation     
  •  sight translation practice of an article
  •  E→J, J→E consecutive (longer passage with note-taking) Sight translation Report presentation on the subject (book) that each student has chosen (Paper writing and oral presentation) 
  • sight translation practice of an article  
  •  E→J, J→E consecutive (longer passage with note-taking) Sight translation Report presentation on the subject (book) that each student has chosen (Paper writing and oral presentation) 
  •  sight translation practice of an article
  •  Consecutive/ Introduction to simultaneous interpreting  
  • sight translation practice of an article  
  •  Consecutive/ simultaneous  
  •  sight translation practice of an article
  •  Consecutive/ simultaneous  
  •  sight translation practice of an article
  •  Consecutive/ simultaneous  
  •  sight translation practice of an article
  •  Review
  • Review
  • In-class Final quiz (students’ performance will be tape recorded and evaluated) 
準備学習 Students are advised to read one chapter of the textbook each week and come ready for discussion in class. For learning practical interpreting skills, they are advised to spend more time on review and practice at home than preparation. Each week there will be a homework for sight translation practice.
教科書 教科書 「通訳の技術」 小松達也著 研究社
参考文献 The list of recommended books on interpreting will be handed out in class.
成績評価方法・基準 Performance in class 10%
Final In-Class Quiz 90%


担当教員 開講学期 開講曜日 開講時限 履修クラス 単位数
友野 百枝 春学期 木曜日 5時限 a1 3
友野 百枝 春学期 火曜日 4時限 a1 3