現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 教務ユーザ Syllabus2012 Intellectual Property

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科目名 Intellectual Property 
担当教員 Weaver, Diana
授業の目的、または到達目標 1)To understand what intellectual property rights are; 2) to compare IP rights in Japan to other countries; 3) to understand the treaties that govern IP rights internationally; and 4) to consider efforts to assist developing countries and promote Fair Trade in the face of IP rights of wealthier nations.

Learning Goals:
*Can identify the categories of IP rights.
*Can understand why IP rights exist and are important to both national policy and internationally.
*Can understand how and why IP rights in Japan may differ from other countries.
*Can identify and understand the treaties that govern IP rights internationally.
*Can understand international efforts to protect developing countries and promote fair trade in light of IP rights of developed countries.
授業の概要 We will begin with an introduction to the historical & philosophical bases for intellectual property.

The different IP categories recognized in Japan will be considered, including copyright, trademarks, trade secrets, protection from unfair competition, patents, utility models and design rights. Comparisons will sometimes be made to intellectual property cases from other countries.

The international scope of intellectual property rights will be explored through the various treaties and international organizations to which Japan is a party.

授業の形態 Lectures and discussions
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • Introduction. What is Intellectual Property?
  • Read assigned materials. During the next few weeks, think about an essay topic you will write about.
  • What is the policy of the Japanese government regarding IP? Introduction to categories of IP in Japan.(1)
  • Read assigned materials.
  • Introduction to categories of IP in Japan.(2)
  • Read assigned materials. Think about choosing your essay topic.
  • Looking at different countries.Japan is a Civil Law country. How do IP rights in Civil Law countries differ from those in Common Law countries such as the U.S.?
  • Review past materials for quiz. Choose preliminary topic for essay.
  • Quiz #1. Begin detailed study of IP rights relating to inventions - Patents and Utility Model rights.(1)
  • Read assigned materials.
  • IP rights relating to Inventions.(2)
  • Read assigned materials.
  • IP rights relating to Inventions.(3)
  • Review for quiz.
  • Quiz #2. Begin detailed study of IP rights relating to trademarks, trade names, logos, etc.(1)
  • Read assigned materials.
  • IP rights relating to trademarks, trade names, logos, etc.(2)
  • Review for quiz.
  • Quiz #3. Begin detailed study of IP rights relating to expression - copyright, neighboring rights, moral rights.(1)
  • Read assigned materials
  • Copyright, computer programs, data bases and copy left.
  • Prepare outline for essay
  • Famous copyright cases: Let's rock and roll!
  • Review for quiz.
  • Quiz # 4. Discussing the issues the matter most to you.
  • Complete first draft of essay.
  • Discussing the issues that matter most to you.
  • Continue work on essay.
  • Tying it all together.
  • Final essay due.
準備学習 Students are expected to read the materials distributed to them before each class and to be prepared to discuss the questions or topics indicated in each section of the materials. Four quizzes will be given, one approximately every 3-4 weeks. Students will select a topic of interest to them during the course and write an essay on that topic (A4 size, double space, approximately 10 pages/4000 words).
教科書 No textbook. Materials provided by professor. Most reading materials will be in English; however, Japanese laws (and hopefully international treaties) will be available in Japanese.
参考文献 A list of reference works and internet links will be provided at the beginning of the course.
成績評価方法・基準 Class participation and discussions-40%; quizzes-40%; essay-20%
関連リンク Useful internet links will be provided at the beginning of the course.
備考 A detailed syllabus will be provided at the beginning of the course.


担当教員 開講学期 開講曜日 開講時限 履修クラス 単位数
Weaver, Diana 秋学期 月曜日 3時限 a1 3
Weaver, Diana 秋学期 水曜日 4時限 a1 3