現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 教務ユーザ Syllabus2012 Ethnic Minorities in Japan

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科目名 Ethnic Minorities in Japan 
担当教員 Moto, Yuriko
授業の目的、または到達目標 The human rights situation of Japan is often considered to be relatively good. However, ethnic minorities are suffering from various forms of discrimination and disadvantages. The government of Japan, as well as the society at large, has been and still is reluctant to provide them with protection, despite its obligations under international law. The objectives of this course are: (1) to find out the reality of multiethnic and multicultural character of the society, and the human rights situation of ethnic, linguistic and religious minorities in Japan and other parts of the world; (2) to obtain a clear understanding of the framework of minority rights protection under international human rights law; and (3) to develop ability of critically examining the remaining challenges and responsibilities of the government and citizens.
授業の概要 First, students will examine the realities and problems facing the ethnic, linguistic and religious minorities in the world, particularly those of foreign nationals or origin. Then, they will learn about the international human rights standards and system that recognize the special rights of minorities and provide protection to them, to further examine and analyze the problems and challenges involved.

授業の形態 Participatory form of classes including questions, comments, presentations and discussions by students.
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • Introduction
  • Multiethnic Japan - overview
  • Minorities in the world and globalization
  • Indigenous peoples of Japan, Ainu people and Okinawans
  • Old-comers -- Koreans and Chinese
  • Newcomers -- migrant workers, refugees,
  • Women -- minority of minorities
  • International human rights law -- its emergence and minority protection under the League of Nations 
  • Holocaust -- its hidden facts
  • United Nations choice -- turning its back to minorities?
  • Minority rights -- reemergence at the UN
  • International framework for minority rights protection
  • Rights of migrant workers and their family members
  • Multiethnic Japan -- revisited
  • Concluding discussions by students
準備学習 Reading reference materials, as required, and preparing for presentations and discussions.
教科書 N.A.
参考文献 外国人人権法連絡会編『外国人・民族的マイノリティ人権白書2010』(明石書店、2010年)、
成績評価方法・基準 100% - class work (attendance, participation in discussions, research paper writing and its presentation)
関連リンク To be introduced in the class.


担当教員 開講学期 開講曜日 開講時限 履修クラス 単位数
未定 秋学期 b1 3