現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 教務ユーザ Syllabus2012 Theme Studies 2

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科目名 Theme Studies 2  Global Political Issues
担当教員 Gray, Gavan
授業の目的、または到達目標 To learn about major international problems affecting the world and its people. Students will learn about the issues and how to look at them from a critical perspective.
Learning Goals:
* develop an understanding of Socio-political issues
* learn to evaluate both sides of an issue
* learn to recognize media bias
* learn to recognize and limit cognitive bias
* develop their ability to express their opinions in both word and letter
授業の概要 Each lesson looks at one of the topics below and seeks to explore what students know about it, how they came to know these things, what things they do not know and why they have not yet been taught such things.

科目群/ベンチマーク Adv
授業の形態 Lessons use readings from the textbook, short lectures on the subject and classroom discussion to promote greater understanding of the topics in question.
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • Principles of Human Nature - The question of Good and Evil.
  • The Mind - How we think and why we sometimes fail to.
  • Wealth and Inequality I - The gap betwen rich and poor around the world.
  • Wealth and Inequality II
  • The International System I - Why some states become strong and others remain weak.
  • The International System II
  • The War on Terror I - The use of war and terror as political tools.
  • The War on Terror II
  • The Eco Movement I - The campaign for international environmenental laws.
  • The Eco Movement II
  • Global Health - Disease, GM food andmedicine as big business.
  • Protest Movements and Human Rights - The power to change societies.
  • The Role of the Education System - Weaknesses of modern schooling and their effect.
  • The Role of the Mass Media - The use of distortion, imbalance and propaganda.
  • Final Presentations
準備学習 Students should pay as much attention as possible to international events in the news.
教科書 'Decide for Yourself Debating Controversial Global Issues' by Roberto Rabbini (CENGAGE)
成績評価方法・基準 Participation 30%, Note-taking 20%, Research Essay 30%, Final Presentation 20%
備考 Presentations and research papers must present new material beyond that contained within the course notes and assigned readings.


担当教員 開講学期 開講曜日 開講時限 履修クラス 単位数
Gray, Gavan 秋学期 月曜日 1時限 A5 2