現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 教務ユーザ Syllabus2012 Theme Studies 1: Politics, Peace, and Fraternity Among Nations

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科目名 Theme Studies 1: Politics, Peace, and Fraternity Among Nations  
担当教員 Anderson, Jamie
授業の目的、または到達目標 Students will learn about the history of the Nobel Peace Prize and together we will examine the basis for the nomination and selection of a number of Nobel Peace Prize laureates from the past 100 years.

*Learning Goals
√ can understand the history and political significance of the Nobel Peace Prize
√ can understand the selection criteria for Nobel laureates and explain who were good choices and who were poor choices
√ can explain the unique ideas and philosophies of past winners
√ can give examples of people who are likely to win Nobel Peace Prizes in the future
√ can understand basic presentation styles, methods and etiquette.
√ can understand how to write a research essay in English
授業の概要 This class is designed to facilitate student research into the selection criteria for a number of Nobel Peace Prize winners from the past 100 years and to examine the social context under which they were selected, the contributions that they are noted for, and the unique challenges that each individual faced in their struggle to promote peace among nations.

科目群/ベンチマーク Adv
授業の形態 Lectures, discussions, presentations, short essays, reflection papers
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • Course description and orientation
  • TBA
  • The history of the Nobel Peace Prize
  • Why Mahatma Gandhi never won the peace prize
  • 1901 - Jean Henri Dunant
  • Group presentations
  • 1931 - Jane Adams
  • Organizations that have won the peace prize
  • 1962 - Linus Pauling
  • Last year's winner
  • Controversial Awards
  • Individual presentations
  • Future candidates -- who should win?
  • Video compilation of speeches by various Nobel laureates
  • Research presentations (group)
  • Review of term & the future of the Nobel Peace Prize
準備学習 Classes will include lectures, discussions, presentations, and group work. At the beginning of the course the instructor will chose the Nobel laureates to be discussed, however, later in the course students are free to chose the Nobel laureates that they would prefer to discuss. In general, the first hour will be a lecture review of the weekly topic and the second hour will be group work and discussion.

Students will be required to prepare group presentations over the course of the semester and one individual presentation. Short written summaries with reference pages are required for all presentations. In addition, students will write several reflection papers. Apart from this, students are expected to review the material provided by the lecturer and to be prepared for class discussions. Although it is not required, the instructor hopes that students will take a “proactive” approach to their studies and are encouraged to bring in outside materials that they believe will help facilitate discussion.
教科書 Core materials to be used in the class will be provided by the instructor
参考文献 To be announced at a later date
成績評価方法・基準 Reflection & response papers-30%
Group research presentation-20% & written summary of research-10%
Individual presentations & other course work - 40%
備考 A detailed syllabus will be provided at the first class meeting.


担当教員 開講学期 開講曜日 開講時限 履修クラス 単位数
Anderson, Jamie 春学期 金曜日 3時限 A1 2