現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 教務ユーザ Syllabus2011 Computer-Assisted Composition

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科目名 Computer-Assisted Composition 
担当教員 Bayer, Konrad
授業の目的、または到達目標 Ability to use various rhetorical patterns, explore individual writing styles, and reach an understanding of using computers as a tool for both research and writing.
Learning Objectives
・ Can write clear essays with thesis statements, details to support the main ideas, and clear conclusions
・ Can write clear paragraphs using proper grammar and sentence structure
・ Can edit and evaluate their own and other students’ writings
・ Can use writing styles for different purposes of writing
・ Can conduct research and analyze information found from a critical perspective
・ Can use writing skills covered in Research Methods
・ Can use Criterion to evaluate their writing and make improvements
授業の概要 Students will practice composition, editing, and evaluation of the own and other student's writing. Students will explore writing styles from set rhetorical patterns to free writing and research writing. One aspect of this will be the need to conduct research and analyze information found from a critical perspective. Computers will be used in the composition process; however, this is not a class in how to use a computer. Students must have basic computer skills before enrolling in the course.

授業の形態 Lectures, explanations, and hands-on writing practice using multimedia software
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • Course explanation, introduction. Name cards.
  • 10 sentences
  • Basics: sentence structure and linking sentences
  • Rewriting sentences
  • Basics: paragraph structure and linking paragraphs
  • Exercises to practice linking sentences to make paragraphs
  • Pre-writing: Brainstorming and Thesis statements
  • Thesis statement for 1st paper
  • Outlines
  • 1st paper outline
  • Introductions
  • 1st paper introduction
  • Body paragraphs and Conclusions
  • 1st draft of 1st paper
  • Self-evaluation (starting research for 2nd paper)
  • 2nd draft of 1st paper. Research idea for 2nd paper.
  • Peer-evaluation. Doing research and APA style
  • 3rd draft of 1st paper. Thesis statement for 2nd paper
  • Using Criterion to help improve writing
  • Outline for 2nd paper
  • Improving sentences: making complex sentences out of simple sentences
  • 2nd paper introduction
  • Transistions and parenthetical citations
  • 2nd paper body paragraphs
  • Summaries and quotations
  • 2nd paper conclusion
  • Self-editing
  • 2nd paper final draft
  • Evaluations
  • none
準備学習 For every class period, students are expected to do an hour of preparation.
教科書 Write Away Right Away, Second Edition. Written by David Martin. Published by EFL Press.
参考文献 APA handbook
成績評価方法・基準 Class Work: 50%; Essays 30%; Final Paper 20%
関連リンク http://www.eflpress.com/JP/books/write.html


担当教員 開講学期 開講曜日 開講時限 履修クラス 単位数
Bayer, Konrad 春学期 火曜日 5時限 a 2
Bayer, Konrad 秋学期 火曜日 5時限 c 2