現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 教務ユーザ Syllabus2011 Topic Studies II

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科目名 Topic Studies II  Sociological Perspectives on Irish Culture
担当教員 Murray, Dave
授業の目的、または到達目標 To examine Irish culture and examine various representations of Irish identity.
Learning Goals:
・can express opinions on traditional and contemporary aspects of Irish culture
・can discuss sociological and other issues related to Irish culture
・can use technology to undertake critical research, presentation, writing and discussion
授業の概要 This course will introduce students to a broad range of the compelling topics that comprise Irish culture. Representations of the Irish identity encompass film, folklore, food, history, language, literature, media, music, politics, sports and more. Broader issues related to these topics will also be addressed. Topic selection and priorities will be determined through consultation between the students and the teacher at the start of the course. Special attention and support for the implementation of effective strategies for research and writing using information and communication technologies will also be provided. The course will seek to develop critical research skills and learner autonomy, increase familiarity and confidence with information technologies and to provide experience in implementing strategies for writing on an e-learning platform.

科目群/ベンチマーク Adv.
授業の形態 Class methodologies refer to task-based autonomous learning and the use of information technologies. Group work, pair work and individual study will be undertaken in class. Activities can include lectures, discussions, presentations, quizzes, materials creation and research.
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • Introduction and course orientation - an overview of Irish and its culture and introduction to research and writing using information technology
  • TBA (To be announced)
  • Irish cultural legacies: Irish people abroad, IT projectwork
  • TBA
  • Irish cultural legacies: Irish literature, IT projectwork
  • TBA
  • Irish cultural legacies: Historical sites of Ireland, IT projectwork
  • TBA
  • Irish cultural legacies: Food, beverages and culinary traditions, IT projectwork
  • TBA
  • Review
  • TBA
  • Irish culture and the arts: Music and dance, IT projectwork
  • TBA
  • Irish culture and the arts: Ireland and film, IT projectwork
  • TBA
  • Irish culture and the arts: Ireland in the media, IT projectwork
  • TBA
  • Review
  • TBA
  • Group presentations
  • TBA
  • Contemporary perspectives: The influence of the economy and politics, IT projectwork
  • TBA
  • Contemporary perspectives: Places of interest, IT projectwork
  • TBA
  • Contemporary perspectives: The Irish language, IT projectwork
  • TBA
  • Review
  • ---
準備学習 Homework will be assigned. Preparation for class will be required and must be completed before class. Some class time will be devoted to research and assignments, however most research and writing will be completed outside of class.
教科書 There is no prescribed textbook. Required materials, handouts and worksheets will be provided by the teacher and Internet resources will be used extensively.
参考文献 Use of an English dictionary, an APA reference guide and coming to class with a positive attitude are all highly recommended.
成績評価方法・基準 Class work and quizzes: 40%
Group Research Presentation: 20% (including Summary of Research Presentation & References)
Research Paper 40% (including introduction/outline, first draft & references, final draft)
備考 The class schedule listed above is tentative and subject to change in accordance with the interests and needs of the students.
This course is designed to be interesting, engaging and informative.
It is very useful if you can learn to enjoy yourself and do your best when you study and to tough it out when necessary.
If you have any problems, any requests for help are particularly welcome.
Students who are prepared to rely on English only for oral communication in class can expect to benefit in higher grades and improved learning.


担当教員 開講学期 開講曜日 開講時限 履修クラス 単位数
Murray, David 秋学期 火曜日 5時限 A4 2