現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 教務ユーザ Syllabus2009 Topic Studies I

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科目名 Topic Studies I  Reading & Culture
担当教員 Verity, Deryn
授業の目的、または到達目標 To understand the structure of literary works through reading a wide variety of work and considering the readings both thematically and from our own literary practices.
授業の概要 In this class, students read selections from a wide variety of literature and make active connections between the readings and their own literacy practices. Students will read widely, and get experience in discussing thematic content, character analysis, cultural context and questions of the social roles of the text. They will write two reflection & response papers, and prepare a group research presentation for the end of the semester, including a written summary with APA references. The focus of the discussions will be on how reading changes our lives and the lives of people in our society.

科目群/ベンチマーク Adv
授業の形態 Presentation
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  •  Introduction to class & topics
  •  Why do we read? Literacy and Orality
  •  Text and Memory: The purposes of literature
  •  Themes: What do we read about?
  •  Reading and the Reader: Reactions to text
  •  Group Poster presentations on literacy topics: Reflection & Response paper I due
  •  Literature Circles and Readers: Who Reads What?
  •  Research and technology review for presentations
  •  Brief reports on readings: Reflection & Response paper II due
  •  Text and language
  •  Final Review Quiz (oral & written)
  •  Journal Review and Discussion
  •  Final Group Presentations; Summary due
準備学習 Students should spend approximately 2-3 hours per week outside of class completing HW, doing outside reading, reviewing handouts, thinking about the discussion topics, and working on the research presentation. Students must keep a weekly reading journal as part of their regular class work
教科書 Required textbook: G. Lazar, A Window on Literature, 1999, Cambridge University Press ISBN-10: 052156770X ISBN-13: 978-0521567701
参考文献 Other materials, including readers, available from library and supplied by instructor; dictionary; internet sites
成績評価方法・基準 ・Class work & quizzes 40% (includes reading journals, participation, regular HW) ・Group Research Presentation 20% ・Summary of Research Presentation & References 10% ・Reflection & Response papers 30%


担当教員 開講学期 開講曜日 開講時限 履修クラス 単位数
Verity D. 春学期 月曜日 3時限 A2 2