現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 教務ユーザ Syllabus2009 Teaching English for Children

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科目名 Teaching English for Children 
担当教員 千葉 奈乙江
授業の目的、または到達目標 To define the teaching of English as a foreign language (TEFL) yo children and to train instructors who can conduct effective classes.
授業の概要 Students learn the theory and practical applications of child-centered learning and child-centered teaching techniques in the Asian TEFL environment. A variety of meaningful and communicative games or activities are introduced so that the students can apply in their practice lessons. Students also learn how to make lesson plans by using effective teaching strategies.

科目群/ベンチマーク Adv.
授業の形態 Lectures. Discussions. Workshops, Practice Lessons, reports, Essays
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • A: Course Orientation
  • B: Chapter 1: In search of an approach
  • A: Chapter 11: A child-centered approach in Asia
  • B: Lecture & Workshop
  • A: Chapter 2: Child-centered learning
  • B: Lecture & Workshop
  • A: Chapter 3: A child-centered lesson
  • B: Lecture & Workshop
  • A: Review
  • B: Lecture & Workshop
  • A: Chapter 4: Games and songs
  • B: Lecture & Workshop
  • A: Chapter 5: Listening and speaking
  • B: Lecture & Workshop
  • A: Chapter 6: Reading and writing
  • B: Lecture & Workshop
  • A: Review
  • B: Lecture & Workshop
  • A: Chapter 7: The learning environment
  • B: Lecture & Workshop
  • A: Chapter 8: Classroom management
  • B: Lecture & Workshop
  • A: Chapter 9: Being an effective teacher
  • B: Lecture & Workshop
  • A: Chapter 10: Looking into the future
  • B: Peer teaching
  • A: Peer teaching
  • B: Peer teaching
準備学習 Students are requiered to read assigned chapters before each class and prepare for discussions. workshops and practice lessons.
教科書 Paul,D. (2003). Teaching English to Children in Asia. Hong Kong: PearsonEducation. Nakata,R. et.al. (2006). Let's Go 1: Students Book. London: OUP
成績評価方法・基準 Homework and class work(classroom participation, practice lessons, reports etc) 40%, Peer teaching (20-30 minutes per group) 30%, Essays(a 3-4-page-APA style essays X 4) 40%


担当教員 開講学期 開講曜日 開講時限 履修クラス 単位数
千葉 奈乙江 春学期 水曜日 3時限 A 4
千葉 奈乙江 春学期 金曜日 3時限 A 4