現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 教務ユーザ Syllabus2009 Theme Studies II

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科目名 Theme Studies II  Japanese American Experiences and Modern Parallels
担当教員 Arai, Linda
授業の目的、または到達目標 To become familiar with the human rights issues related to the experiences of Japanese Americans and other similar struggles of immigrant populations.
授業の概要 This course will examine human rights issues related to the experiences of Japanese Americans in the last century, and use these to broaden awareness of other people struggling with similar issues concerning immigration, racism, the loss of civil liberties, or the attempt to seek apology and redress for past wrongs done to them. We will read and watch accounts of Japanese American struggles in the USA, and reflect on, discuss, write about and even role-play them. Students will also research and present their findings about other people who have had similar struggles and experiences.

科目群/ベンチマーク Int
授業の形態 Short lectures, groupwork, student presentations, quizzes
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • Course overview. Citizens and aliens. Immigration to America.
  • Reading and answering questions.
  • Possible paper topics. Immigrant hardships (1). Immigrant hardships (2).
  • Reading and answering questions.
  • The second generation: children of two cultures. Racism, war hysteria and the media (1).
  • Reading and answering questions.
  • Racism, war hysteria and the media (2). Quiz #1. Executive Order #9066.
  • Reading and answering questions.
  • Evacuation and incarceration. Life in the camps (1).
  • Reading and answering questions. Individual research.
  • Life in the camps (2). Life in the camps (3). Paper topic plus two references due.
  • Individual research. Reading and answering questions.
  • The dividing line: yes-yes or no-no (1). The dividing line: yes-yes or no-no (2).
  • Reading and answering questions.
  • Quiz #2. Protests and legal challenges (1). Protests and legal challenges (2). Introduction and outline due.
  • Prepare introduction and outline. Reading and answering questions.
  • Fighting for their country. Resettlement. APA references and citations.
  • Reading and answering questions. Work on partial draft.
  • Quiz #3. The redress movement (1). The redress movement (2). Partial draft due.
  • Prepare partial draft.
  • The redress movement (3). Quiz #4. Start working on presentations.
  • Work on essay draft.
  • Work on presentations. Work on presentations. Completed draft due.
  • Work on essay draft. Work on presentations.
  • Work on presentations. Presentations.
  • Work on presentations and final essay. Work on final essay.
  • Presentations. Final reflections. Final essay due.
  • Work on final essay.
準備学習 Reading and writing assignments, individual research
教科書 Looking like the Enemy: My Story of Imprisonment in Japanese American Internment Camps (by Mary Matsuda Gruenewald). Newsage Press, 2005.
参考文献 Achieving the Impossible Dream (by Mitchell T. Maki et al.)

成績評価方法・基準 50% - class work & quizzes; 10% - final presentation; 40% - paper (outline - 5%; rough draft - 10%; final draft - 25%)


担当教員 開講学期 開講曜日 開講時限 履修クラス 単位数