現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 教務ユーザ Syllabus2009 Topic Studies II - A

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科目名 Topic Studies II - A  Issues in Civil Liberties
担当教員 Hagerman, C
授業の目的、または到達目標 To increase awareness about issues in civil liberties, civil rights & freedoms and to consider cases in which these have been restricted.
授業の概要 This class aims to develop student’s understanding of issues in civil liberties, rights and freedoms. Various case studies from Japan, the United States, Canada and other countries will be used to illustrate the state of rights and freedoms in modern democracies. The chilling effect effect of the global ‘war on terrorism’ on individual liberty will also be examined. Students will be asked to reflect on how individual liberty in Japan compares to other nations.

科目群/ベンチマーク Int.
授業の形態 Lecture & discussion
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • Course Introduction, Syllabus, Due Dates Ch.1 - Introuduction: Groupwork Questionnaire
  • read "What are Civil Liberties" read "You Need Civil Liberties"
  • Ch.1 - Civil vs. Human rights, Survey questions Ch.1 - Survey discussion
  • write a summary & response of chapter 1 main ideas read "History of Human Rights"
  • Ch.2 - History of Human Rights writing topic Quiz #1 (ch. 1~2) Ch. 4 - Criminal & Legal Justice,
  • read chapter 3 intro & answer comprehension questions, Brainstorm writing topics read"African-American Civil Rights" & "Minorities in Japan" ; write summary + response
  • Ch.3 - Discrimination Against Minorities Ch.3 - Children's Rights Outline Due
  • read "Child Abduction" & "Illegitimate and Foreign-born Children"; write response read Kawaguchi, Daito & Otaru Articles, write response
  • Ch.3 - Foreigner's in Japan Introduction Due Ch.3 - Trafficking in Women
  • read "Trafficking in Women"; answer comprehension questions read chapter 4 intro & answer comprehension questions
  • Ch. 4 - Criminal & Legal Justice, writing review Quiz #2 (ch. 3) Ch.4 - Legal Rights in Japan Sample Writing #1 Due
  • read "Legal Rights in Japan" read "The Chilling Effects of 9/11"
  • Ch.4 - Coerced Confessions (watch video excerpt) Ch.4 - Patriot Act (interactive game)
  • write response to video answer questions about Patriot Act game, read "Illegal Enemy Combatants"
  • Ch.4 - Illegal Enemy Combatants Sample Writing #2 Due Ch.5 - Expressive Freedom & Free Speech Quiz #3 (ch. 4~5)
  • read chapter 5 & answer comprehension questions read chapter 6 introduction & answer comprehension questions
  • Ch.6 - Personal Autonomy & Privacy Ch.6 - Euthanasia
  • answer reflection questions on reproductive rights read "Britain's Big Brother"; write response
  • Ch.6 - Surveillance Rough Draft Due Ch.6 - Privacy
  • read "Privacy of Personal Information" & "Cross-Border Privacy Issues" r ead "Fingerprinting Foreigners"; write response
  • Ch.6 - Fingerprinting Foreigners Ch.6 - Echelon Common writing problems
  • read "Echelon"; answer questions on your view of privacy read chapter 7 intro & answer comprehension questions
  • Ch.7 - Property Rights & Economic Freedom Ch.7 - RFID tags Final Draft Due
  • read "RFID Tags"; write response read "Copyright & Trademark Issues"; write response
  • Ch.7 - Copyright & Trademark Ch.7 - Bio-Engineering Quiz #4 (ch. 6~7)
  • read "GM Crops"; answer comprehension questions read chapter 8 intro & answer comprehension questions
  • Ch.8 - FUTURE CIVIL RIGHTS Final Presentations Course Summary & Reflection Quiz #5
準備学習 Students should spend 1~2 hours on out-of-class study for each hour in class, reading assigned materials, answering comprehension questions and writing summaries and responses. Additional time will be required to research and write the assigned papers and prepare for presentations.
教科書 "Issues in Civil Liberties" (provided by the instructor)
成績評価方法・基準 Classwork & Quizzes ... 50% Final Presentation ... 10% Research Paper ...40% ..Outline ... 5% ...Rough Draft ... 10% ...Final Draft ...25%


担当教員 開講学期 開講曜日 開講時限 履修クラス 単位数
Hagerman C 秋学期 金曜日 3時限 I5 2