現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 教務ユーザ Syllabus2009 Topic Studies I

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科目名 Topic Studies I  Modern World History
担当教員 Hansen, Jerrod
授業の目的、または到達目標 To become familiar with the human rights issues related to the experiences of Japanese Americans in the last century, and to become aware of other people struggling with similar issues concerning immigration, racism, the loss of civil liberties, or the attempt to seek apology and redress for past wrongs done to them.
授業の概要 This class will develop students' awareness of the historical background and context of contemporary world issues. Each class meeting will revolve around discussions and explanations of modern world events. Students will be expected to discuss historical and current events and offer perspectives of their relevance to students' lives and the interests of the international community. The goal is to help students understand the history of events that feature prominently in current news. Examples of the topics explored in the class include Israel/Palenstine, Islamic terrorism, and globalization.

科目群/ベンチマーク Int
授業の形態 Current topics of historical relevance will be covered via readings, lectures, group discussion, and quizzes. Each topic will begin with short introductory presentations by students, followed by a comprehensive lecture with discussion, and a 1-page student response will be due at the conclusion of each topic. Students must also give a presentation on a relevant topic of choice not covered in class at the end of the term.
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  •  Class Introduction Historical Topic 1: Introduction, Discussion, Review
  •  Historical Topic 1: Introduction, Discussion, Review
  •  Historical Topic 1: Introduction, Discussion, Review
  •  Historical Topic 1: Introduction, Discussion, Review
  •  Historical Topic 2: Introduction, Discussion, Review
  •  Historical Topic 2: Introduction, Discussion, Review
  •  Historical Topic 2: Introduction, Discussion, Review
  •  Historical Topic 3: Introduction, Discussion, Review
  •  Historical Topic 3: Introduction, Discussion, Review
  •  Historical Topic 3: Introduction, Discussion, Review
  •  Historical Topic 4: Introduction, Discussion, Review
  •  Historical Topic 4: Introduction, Discussion, Review
  •  Historical Topic 4: Introduction, Discussion, Review
  •  Class Presentations
教科書 There is no textbook for this class. In addition to handouts and Internet references that will be provided throughout the course, students will be expected to prepare themselves via independent study for each topic prior to class. Students are encouraged to bring any additional information of their own on relevant topics to class for discussion.
成績評価方法・基準 "Class work & quizzes: 40% / Group research presentation: 20% / Summary of Research: 10% / Reflection & response papers: 30%


担当教員 開講学期 開講曜日 開講時限 履修クラス 単位数
Hansen Jer 春学期 水曜日 3時限 I3 2