現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 教務ユーザ Syllabus2008 Spanish I-2

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科目名 Spanish I-2 
担当教員 Falcoff,Silvia
授業の目的、または到達目標 To learn the basics of Spanish as well as understand the basic linguistic system of a foreign language other than English.
授業の概要 This course is an introduction to Spanish with an emphasis on speaking skills. Students will examine what is happening in Japan with the Spanish language. There are several hundred thousand Spanish-language speakers living in Japan. Moreover, an increasing number of visitors are coming from Hispanic countries. On TV programs, Spain and Latin American nations constantly appear, showing nature, music, dance or food, which reveal lively and appealing cultures. At present, 300 million people speak Spanish around the world, and there may be increasing chances to communicate with some of them. This course is intended to help develop oral expression and communication in Spanish.

授業の形態 Active methodology: Student´s participation here is the key concept
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • Introducting myself  
  • Introducting my family  
  • How is Miguel? Physical descriptio  
  • Describing someone’s carácter  
  • How are your friends?  
  • Is there any restaurant near here? Asking for information  
  • Where is your university located? Giving information  
  • Means of transport  
  • At the stationeries store. Buying at a store. Prices  
  • Objects of the class  
  • How is your house? Descripción of a house and its peculiar objects  
  • Time. Seasons. Weather  
  • What do you do on a normal day? Actions and activities of daily life. Schedule  
準備学習 Grammar Homework
教科書 - Text book: “Hablemos español” (first half)
Author: Silvia Falcoff
Published by: Dogakusha
- Dictionary: The student may select one of two possibilities (A-B)
A: “Progressive Supeingo-Jiten”, published by Shogakkukan
B: English-Spanish/ Spanish-English pocket Dictionary
参考文献 Prints given by the teacher
成績評価方法・基準 - Attendance -Participation during the class
- Oral an written tests -Homework


担当教員 開講学期 開講曜日 開講時限 履修クラス 単位数
Falcoff, S 秋学期 土曜日 3時限 B 1
Falcoff, S 秋学期 土曜日 4時限 B 1
Falcoff, S 秋学期 木曜日 3時限 A 1
Falcoff, S 秋学期 木曜日 4時限 A 1