科目名 | Topic Studies II - 1 Racial Discrimination |
担当教員 | 元 百合子 |
授業の目的、または到達目標 |
To have a clear understanding that racial prejudice is scientifically wrong, and that it is our responsibility to get rid of racism from our own mind and to fight against the phenomenon and institution of racial discrimination in the society we belong to. |
授業の概要 |
First we examine the widespread but false concept of “race” from a critical point of view. Then, we learn how institutionalized racism plagued the societies of South Africa and the U.S. from the writings on Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr. Reading the biographies of the two great leaders who fought against apartheid in South Africa and the U.S. gives us an idea how cruel the institutionalized racism was and how persistently people struggled against it. The deep insight of the two leaders is still inspiring, because regretfully racism still prevails all over the world and the struggle to eliminate it is not complete yet. |
科目群/ベンチマーク | Adv. | ||
授業の形態 |
Reading, discussions, presentations, lectures and research paper writing |
時間割 | 概要 | 宿題(予習・復習等) | |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
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13 |
準備学習 |
Students are required to read the assigned part of the textbook and supplementary material, if there is any, attend classes regularly, participate actively in discussions, hand in assignments and a research on time. Students who miss a class are responsible for finding out what was done in the class and what home work is due. |
教科書 |
1 Ashley Montagu, What We Know About “Race” (Tsurumi Shoten) 2 Alan C. McLean, Martin Luther King, (Oxford University Press, Oxford Bookworms) 3 Rowena Akinyemi, Nelson Mandela (Oxford University Press, Oxford Bookworms) |
参考文献 |
1 Coleen Degnan-Veness, Nelson Mandela (Penguin Readers) 2 Martin Luther King, Jr. Why We Can’t Wait (Penguin Putnum) 3 Martin Luther King, Jr. I Have a Dream (Harper San Francisco) |
成績評価方法・基準 |
Class work (attendance, participation, presentation & quizzes):30% Research paper (including thesis statement, outline and draft): 40% In-ClassFinal Exam: 30% |
担当教員 | 開講学期 | 開講曜日 | 開講時限 | 履修クラス | 単位数 |
元 百合子 | 春学期 | 水曜日 | 1時限 | Adv-3 | 2 |
元 百合子 | 春学期 | 水曜日 | 2時限 | Adv-3 | 2 |