現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 Sponseller, Aaron C. Syllabus2019 Multidisciplinary Topic Studies 2

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科目名 Multidisciplinary Topic Studies 2 
担当教員 Sponseller, Aaron C.
授業の目的、または到達目標 To develop a greater awareness of how various artistic mediums have impacted the social consciousness and helped affect change. Issues such as environmental protection, conflict and war, and social inequality, will be covered. At the end of the course, students should be able to:
1. Identify and discuss major international issues in which art has been used to raise social consciousness.
2. Identify and discuss artistic mediums through which social consciousness of major international issues has been raised.
3. Articulate specific aspects of at least one type of artistic medium that make it a powerful agent for raising social consciousness.
4. discuss at length the art related to a specific 20th or 21st century social issue that raised social consciousness.
授業の概要 This course will examine a wide range of art focused on raising social awareness of key issues such as environment and climate change, conflict and war, and social inequality and poverty. The issues and art discussed will come primarily from the 20th and 21st centuries. Students will develop an understanding of how artistic mediums such as photography, music, poetry, film, political cartoons, and even children’s books have been leveraged in the attempt to influence social change.

科目群/ベンチマーク 共通英語科目 Advancedレベル必修 
授業の形態 Minimal teacher-fronted lecture.
Maximal small-group and whole-class discussion.
Time in class almost every to make progress on independent research papers.
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • General Introduction to the course, contents and materials, and expectations
  • Quick introduction to the artistic mediums discussed in class
  • Assignment 1: Brainstorming about social issues we want to research/write about (for research paper)
  • Assignment 2: Environment Art Homework 1 (90 min.)
  • Reviewing & discussing assignment 2
  • Assignment 3: Writing - 100 words about a social issue (for research paper)
  • Assignment 4: Environment Art Homework 2 (90 min.)
  • Reviewing & discussing assignment 4
  • Assignment 5: Outline my social issue research paper
  • Assignment 6: Environment Art Reflection Paper (120 min.)
  • Group discussion: Environment Wrap-up
  • Assignment 7: Writing - Describe the social issue (1 paragraph ~150 words
  • Assignment 8: War & Conflict Homework 1 (90 min.)
  • Reviewing & discussing assignment 8
  • Assignment 9: Find at least 3 pieces of art to discuss in research paper.
  • Assignment 10: War & Conflict Homework 2 (90 min.)
  • Reviewing & discussing assignment 10
  • Assignment 11: Writing - Describe 3 pieces of art (50 words or more)
  • Assignment 12: War & Conflict Reflection Paper (120 min.)
  • Group discussion: War & Conflict Wrap-up
  • Assignment 13: Writing - Connect art to the social problem
  • Assignment 14: Discrimination Homework 1 (90 min.)
  • Reviewing & discussing assignment 14
  • Assignment 15: Type up all your writing. Check APA formatting. Print. Submit.
  • Assignment 16: Discrimination Homework 2 (90 min.)
  • Reviewing & discussing assignment 16
  • Assignment 17: Work on PowerPoint presentation
  • Assignment 18: Discrimination Reflection Paper (120 min.)
  • Group discussion: Discrimination Wrap-up
  • Assignment 19: Writing – Edit paper using Aaron’s comments
  • Assignment 20: Poverty Homework 1 (90 min.)
  • Reviewing & discussing assignment 20
  • Assignment 21: 1-on-1 feedback and grade check with Aaron
  • Assignment 22: Poverty Homework 2 (90 min.)
  • Reviewing & discussing assignment 22
  • Assignment 23: Show Aaron your PowerPoint & Transcript.
  • Assignment 24: Poverty Reflection Paper (120 min.)
  • Group discussion: Poverty Wrap-up
  • Assignment 25: Final Exam – EASY (if you did your homework & studied)
  • Assignment 26: Work on your PowerPoint Research Presentation (180 min.)
  • Assignment 26: Final Research Presentations
  • Assignment 26: Work on your PowerPoint Research Presentation (180 min.)
  • Assignment 26: Final Research Presentations
  • Assignment 27: Independent Research Paper DUE last day of the semester
準備学習 Students will produce four reflection papers, an independent research paper, and a presentation related to their research paper. Independent research papers will be on a topic of the student's choice and will be at least 800 words in length.
教科書 All materials will be provided by the instructor. While course materials will include materials from all around the world, art produced in English-speaking countries will be more heavily represented.
成績評価方法・基準 40% Class Work (participation in discussions, completing homework, etc)
20% Independent Research Paper (800 – 1000 words)
10% Research Presentation
30% Reflection Papers (4) (at least 250 words)
FEEDBACK: Feedback will vary depending on the task. For the final exam and homework assignments, feedback will be correction of the task. For writing assignments feedback will be a combination of face-to-face discussion and/or handwritten/digital comments from the teacher. For the presentation feedback will be used via a rubric scoring method.
備考 使用言語:英語