科目名 | Transformative and Restorative Approaches in Communities |
担当教員 | 奥本 京子 |
授業の目的、または到達目標 |
To learn how to honour the energy of life, deep compassionate listening, the healing power of stories, and the search for meanings. <Learning Goals> Students * can understand the basic concepts of Peace and Conflict Studies such as "peace," "violence" and "conflict," * can experience and understand the wholeness of being by listening to others’ stories using circle process, * can facilitate a transformative and restorative dialogue, * can develop art skills to reveal and highlight conflict for transformation and restoration. |
授業の概要 |
Students learn a concept of “transformation” and “restorative dialogue”, by the text written by Mark S. Umbreit and others. They also study the roles of the arts to encourage their imagination and creativity. By doing so, they pursue ways to deepen the meanings of peace as wholeness of life. We will have many practical exercises in class and learn to use the skills of dialogue. Students are expected to achieve a first goal as a “conflict/peace facilitator”. |
科目群/ベンチマーク | ICO4060(715生以前)・ICO4060(716生以降) | ||
授業の形態 |
Lectures, discussions, presentations, workshops, reports, and an essay. |
時間割 | 概要 | 宿題(予習・復習等) | |
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準備学習 |
Class work: Students will be asked to read about 10 pages per week. Lectures and discussion are to confirm their understanding of the assigned readings. In addition, workshops are to acquire transformation and restorative dialogue skills and attitudes. Students are requested to do some research beforehand. Regular attendance is required and expected. Students who miss class are responsible for finding out what work was done and what homework is due. Writing an essay: Students write an essay on the topic. Presentation: As explained in class, students should give a presentation in an artistic form. |
教科書 |
Mark S. Umbreit, Jennifer Blevins and Ted Lewis, The Energy of Forgiveness: Lessons from Those in Restorative Dialogue. Cascade Publications, 2015. |
参考文献 |
* ヨハン・ガルトゥング、藤田明史編著『ガルトゥング平和学入門』法律文化社、2003 * 黒澤満編著『国際関係入門-共生の観点から』東信堂、2011 + John Paul Lederach, Reconcile: Conflict Transformation for Ordinary Christians. Herald Press, 2014. |
成績評価方法・基準 |
Homework and classwork------------------------------------------------30% (classroom participation, discussions, exercises, and reports) Presentation (10 minutes) ---------------------------------------------30% Essay (A4 size, double spaced, 10 pages / 4000 words)-------40% (20% + 20%) |
担当教員 | 開講学期 | 開講曜日 | 開講時限 | 履修クラス | 単位数 |
奥本 京子 | 春学期 | 水曜日 | 1時限 | 4 | |
奥本 京子 | 春学期 | 金曜日 | 3時限 | 4 |