現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 Miller,Richard Syllabus2019 Intensive Topic Studies

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科目名 Intensive Topic Studies  Critical Social Studies
担当教員 Miller,Richard
授業の目的、または到達目標 To critcially consider the major social issues affecting the world and its people. Students will learn about the issues and how to look at them from a critical perspective.
Learning Goals:
* can develop an understanding of socio-political issues
* can identify key points of the issue
* can examine the background details of the issue
* can develop their ability to express their opinions
授業の概要 The course will look at major factors and trends that impact the world's people and how we can better understand and influence such issues. Students will critically study six social issues - poverty, hunger, health and well-being, education, gender equality, and wealth inequality - which impact a significant proportion of the world population.

科目群/ベンチマーク 共通英語科目 Standardレベル必修 
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • Introduction to the course
  • Complete the worksheet, write an introductory paragraph about yourself and read the assigned article on the developing world. (60-90 Min.)
  • Poverty 1 (Developing world)
  • Complete the assigned reading discussion on the developing world, read the article related to the causes of poverty. (90-120 Min.)
  • Poverty 2 (Causes)
  • Fill in a 'food log' (to be given in class) on eating habits. Write a summary of the first section of the course. (60 Min.)
  • Hunger (Food and food sources)
  • Decide on the final project and what the presentation topic will be, Read the assignment on food and oil as well as 'Arab Spring'.(90 Min.)
  • Hunger 2 (World hunger)
  • Complete the assignment on world hunger. In the news, find an article on a current crises with famine.(90 Min.)
  • Hunger 3 (Famine)
  • Write a reflection on the causes of hunger, world population and hydrocarbon use.(90 - 120 Min.)
  • Health and well being 1 (overview)
  • Fill in the assignment on health and review the assigned readings on fast food.(90 Min.)
  • Health and well being 2 (Eating and marketing)
  • Look up obesity and prepare to discuss in the following class.(90 Min.)
  • Health and well being 4 (world obesity)
  • Write down your education goals. Find out about your university (worksheet given).(90 Min.)
  • Education 1 (differences in America and Japan)
  • Research the Japanese governments approach to the changing demographics and universities.(120 Min.)
  • Education 2 (Challenges for Japanese higher education)
  • List the worlds most gender equal countries. Read the assigned readings on Rwanda.(90-120 Min.)
  • Gender Equality 1 (A world survey)
  • Look up and prepare to comment on Japans place in Gender equality.(90-120 Min.)
  • Gender Equality 2 (Japan)
  • Read the article that is from Thomas Picketty book 'Capital'.(90 Min.)
  • Wealth inequality (The world today)
  • Prepare for the final project presentation (120-180 Min.)
  • Project presentations
準備学習 Each week there will be assigned homework as listed. Please prepare for each class by completing the homework. It should be completed before each class and may take more time than listed above.
教科書 There will be handouts with no textbook.
参考文献 The assigned reading are from newspaper and magazines as well as several books.
成績評価方法・基準 Grades will consist of 10% for attendance, 30% for the classwork, 30% for the written assignments and 30% for the final project.
The feedback will be each class, including peer review and instructor feedback. Homework and reports will be graded by the instructor, with comments.
備考 使用言語:英語