現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 加藤 映子 Syllabus2008 Topic Studies II - 1概要

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科目名 Topic Studies II - 1概要 
担当教員 中井 弘一、寺岡 国一、寺 秀幸、元 百合子、前田 美子、山田 一美、依田 知子、藤田 明史、飯田 依子
授業の目的、または到達目標 To Study a selected topic area in depth and conduct research.

授業の概要 The content of each Topic Studies II class varies with the instructor and term. Students select the course they are most interested in . Each course requires students to do extensive reading concerning the topic of each particular class as preparation for discussion. Using the APA writing style, one or more research papers related to the class topic are required. Classes are conducted primarily in English, though some Japanese may be used. Students take two Topic Studies II courses. The courses follow.

授業の形態 Lessons include comprehension questions or a summary of the reading assignments, lectures, discussion.

成績評価方法・基準 Students will be evaluated by all the class work, reading assignments, participation in class discussion, APA style paper (a total of 5 pages), quizzes, and a in-class final exam. If a student does not turn in a the assigned paper by the last day of the term, she cannot pass the course.


担当教員 開講学期 開講曜日 開講時限 履修クラス 単位数