現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 Mitsuda, Benjamin Syllabus2016 English for Business Communication

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科目名 English for Business Communication 
担当教員 Mitsuda, Benjamin
授業の目的、または到達目標 Businessの基本的な用語の定義を英語で理解し、それらを使って発表、ディスカッションできる基礎スキルを合わせて身につける。
PPP = Practice, Practice & Practice to sharpen skills and gain confidence in three goal areas:
1. Business Talk - key social language and language patterns in the context of common business situations, practice with features of spoken English: stress, rhythm, linking, intonation.
2. Business Connections - listening and speaking activities set in a variety of business-related situations, solving problems and exchanging information using strategies for managing conversations.
3. Global Communication - authentic articles providing information and insight about business practices and customs in different cultures.
学習成果 (outcome)
Business 用語を使って発表、ディスカッションできる基礎スキルを習得できる。
授業の概要 This course is for “proactive” and "enthusiastic" learners of English who want to practice and develop their skills and who are eager to learn how to learn business communication in a world of interconnections.

Class motto: "Seek first to understand, then to be understood."

授業の形態 A variety of selected issues and current topics will be explored and examined for the purpose of discovering how the world of business and the enterprise of living are interconnected and interdependent. Students will summarize news and business materials and will present their views in pairs, in groups and in front of the class.
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • Preview and Overview; Introductions in the Business World
  • (Class materials. texts and assignments to be announced)
  • FedEx - An Express Courier Legend / Describing Your Company
  • The Students Who Started Google / Office Routines
  • Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace / Business in Progress
  • Toyota - R&D Powerhouse / Describing Company History
  • Michael E. Porter - Management Guru / Making Telephone Arrangements
  • / Women in Business - Challenges and Triumphs / Describing Locations
  • Fighting African Poverty with Cell Phones / Getting to a Meeting
  • The Creative Vision of Walt Disney / Overseas Business Travel
  • Tata - India's Mega Group / Socializing
  • Big Banks, Big Problems / Explaining Your Culture
  • The Spending Habits of the Super Rich / Comparing Workplaces and Products
  • The Story of Marvel Comics / Ben and Jerry's - Ice Cream and Social Activism / Executive Advice; Business Plans and Predictions
  • Review and Interview
  • Final Review and Presentations
準備学習 Prepare and review the assigned units
教科書 Business Sense (NAN'UN-DO: ISBN 978-4-523-17742-5)
Class materials, texts will be announced and assigned
(See Preview and Overview)
参考文献 Albom, Mitch; TUESDAYS WITH MORRIE, Doubleday
Covey, Stephen; FIRST THINGS FIRST / THE 8TH HABIT, Simon & Schuster
Gladwell, Malcolm; OUTLIERS (THE STORY OF SUCCESS), Little, Brown and Company
Seelig, Tina; WHAT I WISH I KNEW WHEN I WAS 20, HarperCollins Book and DVD (Web site: http://www/harpercollins.com)

Topics of International Business English by Andrew E. Bennett
(CD of articles and listening exercises)

English for International Business by Keith Adams and Rafael Dovale
(Self Study Audio CD)
成績評価方法・基準 Evaluation based on class activity points, presentations, interviews, homework assignments, quizzes, final review and self-assessment score.


・ 平常点 35% ・ 試験 35% ・ QUIZZES / BONUS POINTS ・ 30%
関連リンク Business Sense (NAN'UN-DO: ISBN 978-4-523-17742-5) http://www.nanun-do.co.jp/
備考 "Shoot For The Moon And Even If You Miss, You May Fall Among The Stars."
(Norman Vincent Peale)

"Nothing great was ever accomplished without enthusiasm."
(Ralph Waldo Emerson) 

"People first, then money, then things."
(Suze Orman, financial guru)

"And remember, no matter where you go, there you are."
(Confucius, 551-479 BC, Chinese philosopher and educator)


Y Y C = Yes You Can (A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step!)
P P P: Practice x 3 (Passion + Perseverance = Progress!)
G F I: Go For It! (GOAL Begins With 'GO')


担当教員 開講学期 開講曜日 開講時限 履修クラス 単位数
Mitsuda, Benjamin 春学期 水曜日 4時限 2