現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 徳永 昌彦 Syllabus2016 Topic Studies 2

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科目名 Topic Studies 2  Food & Technology
担当教員 徳永 昌彦
授業の目的、または到達目標 To gain awareness of the underlying dangers in the food supply caused by the increase in manufactured food products and the growth of the global food manufacturing industry.
Learning goals:
* can understand the various underlying causes of food dangers we are facing
* can research an area of interest in food in depth
* can write about and present information related to various food issues
授業の概要 This course examines the hidden dangers in food ‘manufactured’ by global food companies and the increasing power they have over our diets and lifestyles.
The course will consider data regarding what people choose to eat on a daily basis and learn how food labels and packaging are designed to influence and change our
buying habits. Students will also consider the role of new technologies, the lack of public awareness of these, and potential dangers they pose to the global food supply.
Course topics include labeling on food, food safety, obesity, and biotechnology.

科目群/ベンチマーク pt Adv
授業の形態 Reading (up to 10 ~ 20 pages each week), questions & answers, discussions, video viewing and writing assignments. In-class quizzes. Reflection papers (2 or more) and Research paper (3+ pages & references) writing. Final Presentation.
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • Introduction to the course & Familiarisation. 1st Group Activity
  • Reading of 'Introduction' (total 7 pages) of the textbook, "Not on the Label".
  • Discussion on 'Introduction' / Quiz / Audio Visual Materials
  • Reading of p.53 - 81 (Chapter 2: Chicken).
  • Discussion on 'Chapter 2: Chicken' / Quiz / Audio Visual Materials
  • Reading of p. 53 - 81 (Chapter 2: Chicken). Assignment 1 (Summary) is due next week.
  • Discussion on 'Chapter 3: Salad' / Quiz / Audio Visual Materials / Assignment (1) Due
  • Reading of p. 82 - 134 (Chapter 3: Salad).
  • Discussion on 'Chapter 3: Salad' / Quiz
  • Reading of p. 82 - 134 (Chapter 3: Salad).
  • Discussion on 'Chapter 4: Beans' / Quiz / Assignment (2) Due
  • Reading of p. 135 - 168 (Chapter 4: Beans and Asparagus). Assignment 2 is due.
  • Discussion on 'Chapter 4: Beans' / Quiz / Audio Visual Materials
  • Reading of p. 135 - 168 (Chapter 4: Beans and Asparagus).
  • Discussion on 'Chapter 5: Bread'/ Quiz
  • Reading of p. 169 - 201 (Chapter 5: Bread).
  • Discussion on 'Chapter 5: Bread' / Quiz / Assignment (3) is Due
  • Reading of p. 169 - 201 (Chapter 5: Bread). Assignment 3 is due.
  • Discussion on 'Chapter 5: Bread'/ Quiz
  • Reading of p. 169 - 201 (Chapter 5: Bread).
  • Discussion on 'Chapter 6: Apples and Bananas' / Quiz / Audio Visual Materials / Final Paper draft is due
  • Reading of p. 202 - 237 (Chapter 6: Apples and Bananas). Final Paper draft is due
  • Discussion on 'Chapter 6': Apples and Bananas' / Quiz
  • Reading of p. 202 - 237 (Chapter 6: Apples and Bananas).
  • Discussion on 'Chapter 7: Coffee and Grains' / Quiz
  • Reading of p. 238 - (Chapter 7: Coffee and Grains).
  • Discussion on 'Chapter 7: Coffee and Grains' / Final Paper is Due / Presentation
  • Reading of p. 238 - (Chapter 7: Coffee and Grains). Presentation
  • Review Quizzes / Course Review / Presentation (optional)
  • Review Quizzes
準備学習 You are mainly required (and not just recommended) to read or browse quickly at least 10 or more pages of assigned part of textbook each week before class. Be ready to answer key questions on the assigned chapters each week and have your own opinions or questions to share with the rest of the class for further discussions and writing.
教科書 Title : Not on the Label : What Really Goes into the Food on Your Plate Author : Felicity Lawrence (2013) Publisher : London: Penguin Books ISBN : 978-0-241-96782-9
参考文献 Title : アミノ酸で10歳若返る Author : Natasha Starffin (2003) Publisher : Koudansha ISBN : 978-4062721791
Title : 自殺する種子 : アグロバイオ企業が食を支配する Author : 安田節子 (2009) Publisher : Heibonsha Shinsho ISBN : 978-4582854695
Title : Food, Inc : how industrial food is making us sicker, fatter and poorer; and what you can do about it: a participant guide Author : Karl Weber (2009) Publisher : PublicAffairs ISBN : 978-1-58648-694-5
Title : Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal Author : Eric Schlosser (2005) Publisher : Perennial ISBN : 0141006870
Title : Food, inc. : Mendel to Monsanto - the promises and perils of the biotech harvest Author : Peter Pringle (2003) Publisher : Simon & Schuster Paperbacks ISBN : 0-7432-6763-X or 0-7432-2611-9
Title : 水戦争ー水資源争奪の最終戦争が始まった Author : Akio Shibata Publisher : Kadokawa SS Communications ISBN : 978-4-8275-5019-1
Video: Our Daily Bread (DVD) Director: Nikolaus Geyhalter (2005) Distributor: Kinokuniya Shoten
Video: Supersize Me (DVD) Director: Morgan Spurlock (2004) Distributor : Arts Alliance Amer
成績評価方法・基準 Class work = 50% (includes in-class work, homework, presentations, quizzes, discussions); Final Presentation = 10%; Reflection papers (2 or more) & Research Paper (5+ pages & references) [includes early stages (outline, introduction, preparation, first draft) = 40%
関連リンク http://www.wilmina.ac.jp
備考 Late assignments will be penalized. You must submit papers by due date to avoid any penalty.


担当教員 開講学期 開講曜日 開講時限 履修クラス 単位数
徳永 昌彦 春学期 金曜日 1時限 PIntr5 2
徳永 昌彦 秋学期 金曜日 2時限 PAdv-3 2