現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 藤田 明史 Syllabus2019 Theme Studies

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科目名 Theme Studies  Pursuit of Peace in the Present World
担当教員 藤田 明史
授業の目的、または到達目標 The aim of this class is to examine what peace is in the midst of violence in the present world and seek nonviolent ways to realize peaceful society as an achievable goal.
Learning Goals
* can grasp clearly the concept of peace
* can understand the method of peaceful conflict transformation
* can know the role of peace worker in the present world
* can understand the importance of peace studies in creating peace
授業の概要 This course will explore what peace is in the midst of violence of many kinds in the present world. By examining such questions as what peace is and what peace studies are and inquiring into the ways of peaceful transformation of concrete conflicts at various levels of society, students will be able to grasp a clear and precise concept of peace. For this purpose and strengthening the students’ ability to read, this course will focus mainly on essential writings of Mahatma Gandhi.

科目群/ベンチマーク ENG2999 (715生以前)・ Foundation, Standard,レベル必修 ENG2510 (716生以降)
授業の形態 Lecture,group discussion,and presentation.
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • Introduction:Gandhi's life 
  • Reading assignment will be given for the next class(1 hour)
  • Essential writings of Gandhi:Childhood
  • Reading assignment will be given for the next class(1 hour)
  • Child marriage
  • Reading assignment will be given for the next class(1 hour)
  • Stealing and atonement(1)
  • Reading assignment will be given for the next class(1 hour)
  • Stealing and atonement(2)
  • Reading assignment will be given for the next class(1 hour)
  • An exercise of Transcend method(1)
  • Start working on the first paper
  • An exercise of Transcend method(2)
  • Reading assignment will be given for the next class(1 hour)
  • Essential writings of Gandhi:The nature of his life(1)
  • Reading assignment will be given for the next class(1 hour)
  • The nature of his life(2)
  • Reading assignment will be given for the next class(1 hour)
  • Friendship:The Little Prince and the fox(1)
  • Start working on the second paper
  • Friendship:The Little Prince and the fox (2)
  • Reading assignment will be given for the next class(1 hour)
  • Essential writings of Gandhi:Nonviolence and individual transformation
  • Prepare presentation
  • Individual or group presentation
  • TBA
  • Individual or group presentation
  • TBA
  • Overall summary
  • TBA
準備学習 The detailed schedule will be given on the first day of the class. Also how to study English from the instructor's experience will be explained.
教科書 The textbook will not be used. Written materials made by the instructor will be given.
参考文献 M.K.Gandhi, "An Autobiography", Penguin Books,2001.
Johan Galtung and Andreas Galtung, "A flying orange tells its tale", Colofon Forlag AS,2003.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery,"The Little Prince", English translation by Richard Howard,A Harvest Book,2000.
成績評価方法・基準 Class work = 50% (includes in-class work, homework, presentations, quizzes, discussions); Final Presentation = 10%; Reflection papers (2 or more) & Research Paper (5+ pages & references) [includes early stages (outline, introduction, preparation, first draft) = 40%.
Comments on the papers will be made by the instructor in class.