現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 Porritt, Steve Syllabus2018 Theme Studies

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科目名 Theme Studies  Media in Politics
担当教員 Porritt, Steve
授業の目的、または到達目標 To develop an awareness of issues related to displacement through film and literature, with particular emphasis on displacement within Japan and in the Japanese diaspora (Japanese migrants to other countries).
Learning Goals:
・Can identify several major international instances of displacement from the 20th century to the present
・Can describe major causes for displacement abroad
・Can articulate aspects of society that foster a sense of displacement among minority populations
・Can discuss displacement domestically and internationally as it relates to modern Japan
授業の概要 This class will focus on news about politics by asking the following questions. Where do you get news about politics? Is it accurate? How do you know? What is "fake news"? How can you distinguish fact from opinion in news reporting? What role do SNS play in modern politics? In this course, students will explore the historical and modern roles of media in politics and how media is used to influence voter opinions. Students also will look at how the media influences politics in Japan and the United States. Finally, students will investigate the roles played by traditional media, such as newspapers, TV, as well as online news sites and popular social networking services (SNS), such as Facebook, Twitter.

科目群/ベンチマーク ENG2999(715生以前)・ Foundation, Standard,レベル必修 ENG2510(716生以降)
授業の形態 Lectures, discussions, short presentations, response and reflection papers, Internet research activities, research and presentation project
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • Introduction to class
  • Assigned tasks
  • History of media in politics
  • Assigned tasks
  • Distinguishing fact from opinion
  • Assigned tasks
  • Detecting bias
  • Assigned tasks
  • Filter bubbles, search bubbles
  • Assigned tasks
  • Media in politics: traditional media
  • Assigned tasks
  • Media in politics: online news sites
  • Assigned tasks
  • The role of technology: past, present, future
  • Assigned tasks
  • Social media in politics (1)
  • Assigned tasks
  • Social media in politics (2)
  • Assigned tasks; Project Topic Selection
  • Japanese and American media in politics: similarities and differences
  • Assigned tasks
  • The news journalist's perspective
  • Assigned tasks
  • The monetization of political news reporting
  • Assigned tasks
  • Project presentations (1)
  • Assigned tasks
  • Project presentations (2)
  • Assigned tasks
準備学習 Students must complete all homework assignments to prepare for discussions and other class activities. During the course, students will choose a relevant topic, research the topic, and present the findings to the class.
教科書 Readings will be either provided by the instructor or retrieved by the student from online sources.
参考文献 Students are expected to bring a digital or paper dictionary and their iPad to every class.
成績評価方法・基準 Class/Other Work – 40% Class work includes items such as discussions, presentations, class participation, quizzes, etc. These items may be weighted according to the course requirements; however, emphasis should be placed on discussions and presentations.

Research Presentation – 20% Students must make at least one presentation that is based on research. Note: Presentations should be completed before the last week of classes in order to allow for make-up presentations if needed.

Written Summary and Reflection of Research with References – 10% This summary should be done individually about their Presentation. It must include the references used for their research presentation.

Reflection & Response papers or Short Research Paper – 30% These should be more than just a summary. Students need to learn how to read, summarize, reflect on the author’s ideas, and respond to the ideas in the readings.
備考 Students will be notified of any changes in this information.


担当教員 開講学期 開講曜日 開講時限 履修クラス 単位数
Porritt, Steve 秋学期 月曜日 2時限 o 2