現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 Denison, G. Clinton Syllabus2018 Theme Studies

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科目名 Theme Studies  Understanding Digital Society
担当教員 Denison, G. Clinton
授業の目的、または到達目標 To understand and explore how computing and digital technology have influenced society in the past and present, with a critical look at what the future might hold.
Learning Goals: Students can
* Understand how key people and events in computing and digital technology have influenced society
* Understand the positive and negative effects that moving towards a digital society has caused
* Understand the extent to which their own lives are impacted by computing
* Improve and develop overall computer literacy
授業の概要 The course will cover how the development of computing has drastically changed our world-for better and for worse. To this end, we will explore a range of topics and people related to digital society. For example, Social Networking Services, smartphones, and new ways that people interact with computers. Students will discuss and debate issues as we critically examine past and current events to look at the roles played by computing and digital technology. Students will research and present on important people and events that have influenced digital society. In addition, students will apply this knowledge in practical ways to develop computer literacy.

科目群/ベンチマーク ENG2999(715生以前)・ Foundation, Standard,レベル必修 ENG2510(716生以降)
授業の形態 Discussions, short lectures, presentations, reading articles, writing activities
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • Introduction to the class
  • Assign first research topics
  • Assigned tasks
  • A brief history of computing
  • Assigned tasks
  • The digitization of our world
  • Assigned tasks
  • How technologies come together
  • Assigned tasks
  • Humans and machines
  • Assigned tasks
  • The Internet, accessing information, and the digital divide
  • Assigned tasks
  • Social Networking Services (1)
  • Assigned tasks
  • Social Networking Services (2)
  • Assigned tasks
  • Smartphones and personal devices
  • Assigned tasks
  • Businesses and people in digital society
  • Assigned tasks
  • Technology and personal freedom
  • Assigned tasks
  • The future of computing and digital society (1)
  • Assigned tasks
  • The future of computing and digital society (2)
  • Assigned tasks
  • Student presentations (1)
  • Assigned tasks
  • Student presentations (2)
  • Course wrap-up
  • Assigned tasks
準備学習 Students are required to read articles and complete homework tasks before each class to prepare for discussions. Students are also required to research several topics and share their findings throughout the course. Students must review and study the class material to prepare for quizzes.
教科書 Readings will be provided by the instructor in class.
参考文献 You will need a good dictionary (digital or paper).
成績評価方法・基準 Classwork & quizzes: 40%
Research presentation: 20%
Written summary & reflection of research: 10%
Reflection & response papers (4): 30%


担当教員 開講学期 開講曜日 開講時限 履修クラス 単位数
Denison, G. Clinton 春学期 金曜日 2時限 m 2