科目名 | Corporate Social Responsibility(奇数年開講) |
担当教員 | 前田 佐保 |
授業の目的、または到達目標 |
*Understand CSR’s historical background and evolvement in EU, US and Japan. *Understand the strategic context of CSR, and its integration into strategy and organizational culture. |
授業の概要 |
To understand the importance of "CSR", particularly emphasizing that firms need to incorporate "CSR" into their corporate strategy. |
科目群/ベンチマーク | BUS4040 (716生以降) | ||
授業の形態 |
Lecture, discussion, presentation |
時間割 | 概要 | 宿題(予習・復習等) | |
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準備学習 |
Every week assignment must be completed. Active class participation and preparation is strongly recommended. For deeper understanding, please refer to the literature and materials indicated in the class or this syllabus below. |
教科書 |
Materials to be distributed in advance of each class. |
参考文献 |
谷本寛治(2006)『CSR:企業と社会を考える』NTT出版 長坂寿久(2011)『NGO・NPOと企業協働力:CSR経営論の本質』明石書店 関正雄(2018)『SDGs経営の時代に求められるCSRとは何か』第一法規 モニター デロイト(2018)『SDGsが問いかける経営の未来』日本経済新聞出版社 國部克彦編著(2017)『CSRの基礎:企業と社会の新しいあり方』中央経済社 谷本寛治編著(2006)『ソーシャル・エンタープライズ:社会的企業の台頭』中央経済社 |
成績評価方法・基準 |
* Participation and contribution to the class, preparation, assignment …………30% * Presentation and facilitation………………………………………………………………30% * Two Short research papers (20% each) ……………………………………………………40% <How to feedback> * Every week assignment and presentation: comments to be given in the class. * Short research paper: advise for the improvement to be given to each student. |
備考 |
使用言語:英語 |