現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 小林 香保里 Syllabus2013 Topic Studies 1

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科目名 Topic Studies 1  Global Views for Global Citizens
担当教員 小林 香保里
授業の目的、または到達目標 Objectives:
To expand the knowledge toward the global issues, to gain the critical way of thinking and to get ready to take actions as a global citizen.

Learning goals:
can summarize and reflect on the author’s ideas in the readings
can discuss the issues based on the knowledge and their opinion
can respond to the author’s ideas in writings
can research on the issues in the library and on the Internet to
prepare for their presentation
can gain the presentation skills
can write a summary of the research presentation
can take actions as a global citizen
授業の概要 In this course, students will read the issues of global concern, discuss them and write response papers as the input activities. Students will gain the knowledge in a student-centered setting, building on what they learned in the first year. As the output activities, students will be required to do further research according to their interest, give a presentation and write a summary.

科目群/ベンチマーク PT-Int.
授業の形態 Lecture and discussion
Students' active participation will be required.
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • Introduction
  • TBA
  • U1. Information and Misinformation
  • TBA
  • U2. Saving Tropical Rainforests
  • TBA
  • U3. Concerning Happiness
  • TBA
  • U4. Gizmo Addiction
  • TBA
  • U5. Coping with Noise
  • TBA
  • U6. The Whaling Debate
  • TBA
  • U7. Food: Not Just a Commodity
  • TBA
  • U8. Sweatshop Labor
  • TBA
  • U9. Japan's Declining Population
  • TBA
  • U10. Poverty: Meeting the Millennium Development Goals
  • TBA
  • U.11 Global Warming: Beyond Kyoto
  • TBA
  • U12. Energy: Is Nuclear Power Part of the Solution?
  • TBA
  • Group Research Presentaion-1
  • TBA
  • Group Research Presentation-2
  • TBA
準備学習 Read the text, answer the comprehension questions and get ready to discuss the issues before coming to the class. After each class, review the content and vocabulary for the quiz.
教科書 Confronting the Issues (By David Peaty, Kinseido)
成績評価方法・基準 Class work & quizzes 40%
Group Research Presentation 20%
Summary of Research Presentation & References 10%
Reflection & Response papers 30%


担当教員 開講学期 開講曜日 開講時限 履修クラス 単位数
小林 香保里 春学期 火曜日 2時限 PInt-3 2