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科目名 Intensive Topic Studies  Racial Discrimination
担当教員 竹澤 由記子
授業の目的、または到達目標 To understand issues relating to racial prejudice and our responsibility for fighting this phenomenon and eliminating institutional racism from our society.
Learning Goals:
* can explain the concepts of "race" and "prejudice"
* can discuss the issues based on the knowledge and their opinion
* can summarize the historical forms of racism
* can explain how racial prejudices can be reduced and removed
授業の概要 This course aims to provide a clear understanding that racial prejudice is scientifically wrong, examine our responsibility for eliminating racism from our minds, and consider how we can fight against the phenomenon and institutions of racial discrimination in our society. First, students will examine the widespread but false concept of "race" from a critical point of view, then consider how institutionalized racism plagued the societies of South Africa and U.S. from the writings on Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr. Their insights still inspire because racism remains pervasive worldwide and the struggle to eliminate it is not yet complete.

科目群/ベンチマーク 共通英語科目 Standardレベル必修 
授業の形態 Presentation and discussion by students with the teacher's advice and assistance
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • Introduction
  • "What is Race?" (additional reading material) presentation & discussion
  • Reading and Worksheets(1.5-2 hours)
  • "Martin Luther King"pp.1-14 presentation + discussion
  • Reading and Worksheets(1.5-2 hours)
  • "Martin Luther King"pp.15-25 presentation + discussion
  • Reading and Worksheets(1.5-2 hours)
  • "Martin Luther King"pp.26-34 presentation + discussion
  • Reading and Worksheets(1.5-2 hours)
  • "Martin Luther King"pp.35-44 presentation + discussion
  • Reading and Worksheets(1.5-2 hours)
  • "Martin Luther King"pp.45-55 presentation + discussion
  • Reading and Worksheets(1.5-2 hours)
  • In Class Exam on Martin Luther King "Introduction to Holocaust" (additional reading material)presentation + discussion
  • Reading and Worksheets(1.5-2 hours)
  • "Nelson Mandela" pp.1-17 presentation + discussion
  • Reading and Worksheets(1.5-2 hours)
  • "Nelson Mandela" pp.18-32 presentation + discussion
  • Reading and Worksheets(1.5-2 hours)
  • "Nelson Mandela" pp.33-49 presentation + discussion
  • Reading and Worksheets(1.5-2 hours)
  • "Nelson Mandela" pp.50-59 presentation + discussion
  • Reading and Worksheets(1.5-2 hours)
  • "Nelson Mandela" pp.60-72 presentation + discussion
  • Reading and Worksheets(1.5-2 hours)
  • In Class Exam on "Nelson Mandela" presentation + discussion
  • Reading and Worksheets(1.5-2 hours)
  • Final Presentations on paper + Conclusion and Review
  • Preparation for Presentation(1.5-2 hours)
準備学習 Students are required to do the reading assignment of at least 10 pages of the text book (or any other additional reading materials distributed) every week, and make preparations for the assigned presentations as deemed necessary. A research paper of at least 3 pages + references on a relevant topic of student's choice is assigned as well. Estimated time for Homework for each week: 1.5-2 hours
教科書 1. Alan McLean, "Martin Luther King" (Oxford Bookworms)
2. Rowena Akinyemi, "Nelson Mandela" (Oxford Bookworms)
参考文献 1. Coleen Degnan-Veness, "Nelson Mandela" (Penguin Readers)
2. Martin Luther King, Jr., "Why We Can’t Wait" (Penguin Putnum)
3. Martin Luther King, Jr., "I Have a Dream" (Harper San Francisco)
成績評価方法・基準 Class/Other Work – 40% Class work includes items such as discussions, presentations, class participation, quizzes, etc. These items may be weighted according to the course requirements; however, emphasis should be placed on discussions and presentations.

Research Presentation – 20% Students must make at least one presentation that is based on research. Note: Presentations should be completed before the last week of classes in order to allow for make-up presentations if needed.

Written Summary and Reflection of Research with References – 10% This summary should be done individually about their Presentation. It must include the references used for their research presentation.

Reflection & Response papers or Short Research Paper – 30% These should be more than just a summary. Students need to learn how to read, summarize, reflect on the author’s ideas, and respond to the ideas in the readings.
Submission of the reflection papers (of at least 4 pages in total) and Summery of Presentation (2+ pages & references including early stages of works) is required for the students to pass the course.

Comments on papers will be by written comments on papers.
Comments on presentations will be by oral comments.