科目名 | Organizational Management |
担当教員 | 船越 多枝 |
授業の目的、または到達目標 |
*Analyze the different roles in business orgazizations *Make oral/written reports of business oraganizations. |
授業の概要 |
To learn the various roles of business organizations including marketing, human resource, finance, and strategy making. |
科目群/ベンチマーク | BUS3600 (715生以前)・BUS3030 (716生以降) | ||
授業の形態 |
Lecture, group discussion, role playing, presentation, quizzes, and report. Field work in Osaka city area may be conducted if we have a chance.(In that case, small amount of transportation fee may be required - estimate is less than Yen 1,000) Active participation of the class work is necessary and mostly evaluated. |
時間割 | 概要 | 宿題(予習・復習等) | |
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準備学習 |
All students must come to every class with preparation of reading assignment and preparing for your own opinion. Taking active role for discussion and role playing is expected. |
教科書 |
The materials will be handed out in a timely manner |
参考文献 |
「入門 人的資源管理 第2版」 奥林 康司, 平野 光俊, 上林 憲雄. 中央経済社, 2010年. 「入門 組織行動論 第2版」 開本 浩矢. 中央経済社, 2014年. 「組織行動の考え方 ひとを生かし組織力を高める9つのキーコンセプト」 金井壽宏, 高橋潔, 東洋経済新報社, 2004年. |
成績評価方法・基準 |
Quiz 10% x 2 = 20%, Class work (attendance, participation in discussion, interactive communication)30%, Presentation 25% (Group 15%, Personal 10%), Report 25% (2 times, 10% & 15 % each) How to feedback: Back the report with comment at the end of semester (or in the class) Feedback on presentations in the class |
備考 |
使用言語:英語 実務経験のある教員による科目 |