科目名 | Human Resource Management |
担当教員 | 船越 多枝 |
授業の目的、または到達目標 |
In this course, students will learn how people management is basically operated in companies, and how employees tend to feel and behave in the organization, and obtain necessary knowledge to utilize for future career. You will understand how each company is operating Recruitment, Performance Evaluation, People training and Development, Compensation. Learning goals: * To learn the needs and concepts of HRM, OB and OD * Master the practical utilization of the concept |
授業の概要 |
There are two parts for this course, HRM and OB/OD. HRM is rather related to the organization structure and people management system. OB / OD are the area of people's behavior in organization, more cultural and psychological part. We will also examine new issues such as diversity management. |
科目群/ベンチマーク | BUS3600(715生以前)・BUS3030(716生以降) | ||
授業の形態 |
Lecture, group discussion, role playing, presentation, quizzes, and report |
時間割 | 概要 | 宿題(予習・復習等) | |
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準備学習 |
All students must come to every calss with preparation of reading assignment and preparing for your own opinion. Taking active role for discussion and role playing is expected. |
教科書 |
The materials will be handed out in a timely manner |
参考文献 |
「入門 人的資源管理 第2版」 奥林 康司, 平野 光俊, 上林 憲雄. 中央経済社, 2010年. 「入門 組織行動論 第2版」 開本 浩矢 。中央経済社, 2014年. 「組織行動の考え方 ひとを生かし組織力を高める9つのキーコンセプト」 金井壽宏, 高橋潔, 東洋経済新報社, 2004年. |
成績評価方法・基準 |
Quiz 10% X 2 = 20%, Class work (participation in discussion, interactive communication〕)30%, Presentation 20%, Final written test 20%, Report 10% |
担当教員 | 開講学期 | 開講曜日 | 開講時限 | 履修クラス | 単位数 |
船越 多枝 | 秋学期 | 水曜日 | 2時限 | 3000b1 | 4 |
船越 多枝 | 秋学期 | 金曜日 | 4時限 | 3000b1 | 4 |