現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 Cornwell, Steven Syllabus2019 Foundation Writing 1

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科目名 Foundation Writing 1 
担当教員 Kramer, Brandon、Miller,Richard
授業の目的、または到達目標 ・ Write simple sentence sand paragraphs on given topics.
・ Analyze sentences and paragraphs to determine if they are grammatical or not.
授業の概要 To develop competence in writing English Sentences and Paragraphs focusing on basic sentence grammar (SV0, etc.)

科目群/ベンチマーク Foundationレベル必修 ENG1430 (716生以降)
授業の形態 The class will focus on writing, peer reviewing, identifying errors, revising writing, etc. Students will write each class and are expected to take an active role in improving their own writing ability. Students will work on improving writing fluency and will write a lot during this term
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • Self- introduction and writing
  • Tasks as assigned by Teacher possibly including journaling, worksheets/notebook work, and free writing.) (1 hour).
  • Daily life and feelings and dictation
  • Tasks as assigned by Teacher possibly including journaling, worksheets/notebook work, and free writing.) (1 hour).
  • Past tense and family
  • Tasks as assigned by Teacher possibly including journaling, worksheets/notebook work, and free writing.) (1 hour).
  • Family and dictation
  • Tasks as assigned by Teacher possibly including journaling, worksheets/notebook work, and free writing.) (1 hour).
  • Pronouns and a Classmate
  • Tasks as assigned by Teacher possibly including journaling, worksheets/notebook work, and free writing.) (1 hour).
  • Dictation and things we own
  • Tasks as assigned by Teacher possibly including journaling, worksheets/notebook work, and free writing.) (1 hour).
  • Progressive form and Reading topics
  • Tasks as assigned by Teacher possibly including journaling, worksheets/notebook work, and free writing.) (1 hour).
  • Dictation and Interview with questions
  • Tasks as assigned by Teacher possibly including journaling, worksheets/notebook work, and free writing.) (1 hour).
  • Modals and Writing about abilities
  • Tasks as assigned by Teacher possibly including journaling, worksheets/notebook work, and free writing.) (1 hour).
  • Dictation and using modals
  • Tasks as assigned by Teacher possibly including journaling, worksheets/notebook work, and free writing.) (1 hour).
  • Simple Future and your future
  • Tasks as assigned by Teacher possibly including journaling, worksheets/notebook work, and free writing.) (1 hour).
  • Dictation and Computers
  • Tasks as assigned by Teacher possibly including journaling, worksheets/notebook work, and free writing.) (1 hour).
  • Question Words and tag questions and Conversations
  • Tasks as assigned by Teacher possibly including journaling, worksheets/notebook work, and free writing.) (1 hour).
  • Dictation and Questions
  • Tasks as assigned by Teacher possibly including journaling, worksheets/notebook work, and free writing.) (1 hour).
  • Review and Music
準備学習 Meaningful Homework will be assigned each class to either 1) review what has been studied or 2) prepare for the next class.
教科書 No assigned textbook but the class will follow what is being covered in foundation reading and foundation grammar texts.

Supplementary texts
?OJ eBook Writing in English: A guide
? Nation, P., & Malarcher, C. (2007). Reading for Speed and Fluency 1. Japan: Compass Publishing.
? Bennett, A., & Komiya, T. (2016). Grammar Plus: 15 Unit Edition. Nan’un-do Co., Ltd.
成績評価方法・基準 Classwork 60%
timed writing 20%
dictations 20%
other writing 20%

Homework 20%
revising grammar, extensive writing, etc.

Portfolio 20%
(the portfolio can include any writing they do throughout the course)

Feedback on homework, writings, dictations, and portfolio will be written.
Feedback on work done in class will be spoken.
備考 使用言語:英語