現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 Cornwell, Steven Syllabus2018 Research Writing

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科目名 Research Writing 
担当教員 Cornwell, Steven、Denison, G. Clinton、Fielden, Mark、Hall, Michelle、Linehan, D. Peter、McLean, Stuart、Sponseller, Aaron C.
授業の目的、または到達目標 *Identify the different parts of a research paper
*Write citations correctly both in the text of the paper and in the reference page
*Summarize and create graphs, figures and tables
*Write summaries of research and be able to use quotes, summaries, and paraphrases appropriately in a research paper
*Find information on the internet and determine its veracity, and take notes (from books, journals, newspapers, internet, etc.)
*Argue a point including appropriate supporting details
*Write clear, easy to understand academic English
*Use Criterion to help evaluate their own writing
授業の概要 To improve students’ overall academic writing skills for courses during their second year, for courses in their specialization areas in the 3rd and 4th years, and for their graduation project thesis.

科目群/ベンチマーク 全レベル必修ENG3310(716生以降)
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • Introduction to Academic Writing
  • Assigned Tasks
  • Introduction to Academic Writing
  • Assigned Tasks
  • Notetaking, Summarizing, Finding Sources, Evaluating Sources
  • Assigned Tasks
  • Notetaking, Summarizing, Finding Sources, Evaluating Sources
  • Assigned Tasks
  • Writing Citations and References, Formatting Papers, Connecting skill study from week 1-4 with essay writing, outlining
  • Assigned Tasks
  • Writing Citations and References, Formatting Papers, Connecting skill study from week 1-4 with essay writing, outlining
  • Assigned Tasks
  • Writing Citations and References, Formatting Papers, Connecting skill study from week 1-4 with essay writing, outlining
  • Assigned Tasks
  • Writing Citations and References, Formatting Papers, Connecting skill study from week 1-4 with essay writing, outlining
  • Assigned Tasks
  • Writing Citations and References, Formatting Papers, Connecting skill study from week 1-4 with essay writing, outlining
  • Assigned Tasks
  • Applying all skills to writing own research paper
  • Assigned Tasks
  • Applying all skills to writing own research paper
  • Assigned Tasks
  • Applying all skills to writing own research paper
  • Assigned Tasks
  • Applying all skills to writing own research paper
  • Assigned Tasks
  • Applying all skills to writing own research paper
  • Assigned Tasks
  • Final Draft, Course Wrap UP, looking forward to 3rd year and GP
  • Assigned Tasks
準備学習 Students should spend at least one hour on homework for each hour in class. They are expected to bring prepared summaries, paraphrases, outlines, and any other assignments assigned by the teachers to class.
教科書 OJC created materials
APA guide from 1st year study
Understanding of English Writing (translation of Units 1-4 ideas from year 1)
Online materials in MY WILL website
成績評価方法・基準 Summary Writing 20%
These can be short summaries of articles (the summaries are 200 words or longer). It is recommended that students do 8 of these.

Drafts 20%
When working on the Literature Review, it helps to turn in multiple drafts; we recommend turning in 3-4 minimum and grading them accordingly.

Vocabulary 10%
This is the written vocabulary test that is being administered as part of the school wide program.

Skills and Editing work 20%
This will be where we evaluate students work on finding and evaluating sources, writing up APA, doing tables and figures (not the computer skill, but the rationale behind them), etc.

Literature Review/Paper--30%
A 5-7 page research paper that for most students will be their literature review for their Graduation Project. The grade will be based on the entire research process including finding and evaluating sources, note taking, outlining, and properly using in-text citations and references in the reference page.


担当教員 開講学期 開講曜日 開講時限 履修クラス 単位数
Cornwell, Steven 秋学期 火曜日 4時限 e 2
Denison, G. Clinton 秋学期 金曜日 1時限 g 2
Fielden, Mark 秋学期 火曜日 1時限 a 2
Hall, Michelle 秋学期 金曜日 4時限 f 2
Linehan, D. Peter 秋学期 水曜日 4時限 b 2
McLean, Stuart 秋学期 火曜日 2時限 d 2
Sponseller, Aaron C. 秋学期 水曜日 3時限 c 2