現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 Bramley, David Syllabus2019 Theme Studies

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科目名 Theme Studies  Introduction to English-speaking Cultures
担当教員 Bramley, David
授業の目的、または到達目標 Students
* can demonstrate knowledge of English-speaking countries
* can state opinions about various aspects of life and community in English-speaking cultures.
* can use research skills acquired in examining other English-speaking cultures and presenting this information in class.
* can use the writing skills acquired while studying English-speaking countries to their other work.
授業の概要 To attain knowledge of English-speaking cultures by examining the differences and similarities between various aspects of these cultures and use this information to reflect on their own cultures.

科目群/ベンチマーク ENG2999 (715生以前)・ Foundation, Standard,レベル必修 ENG2510 (716生以降)
授業の形態 Discussion, internet research, dictation, reading, writing
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • Introduction: Britain and The USA Geography where in the world? Climate Population Language
  • (Students should spend 2-4 hours on their homework each week.) Reading about UK and USA systems (2-3 hours)
  • British Education Dictation Info gap/internet research Give your view
  • 1. Research paper on education comparing 2 (English as an official language) countries. 2 Give your view. Write 4 sentences on each question 3 News reports 4 Take home dictation/listening (2-4 hours)
  • British Education Dictation Info gap/internet research Give your view
  • Reading about UK and USA systems (2-3 hours)
  • American education Dictation Info gap/internet research Give your view
  • Reading about UK and USA systems (2-3 hours)
  • Work and play in UK Dictation Info gap/internet research give your view
  • 1 Research paper on work and play comparing 2 (English as an official language) countries 2 Give your view. Write 4 sentences on each question 3 News reports 4 Take home dictation/listening (2-4 hours)
  • Work and play in USA Dictation Info gap/internet research give your view
  • Reading about UK and USA systems (2-3 hours)
  • Attitude to work and play Dictation Info gap/internet research give your view
  • Reading about UK and USA systems (2-3 hours)
  • Health in the UK Dictation Info gap/internet research Give your view
  • 1 Research paper on health comparing 2 (English as an official language) countries 2 Give your view. Write 4 sentences on each question 3 News reports 4 Take home dictation/listening
  • Health in the UK Dictation Info gap/internet research Give your view
  • Reading about UK and USA systems (2-3 hours)
  • Health overview Dictation Info gap/internet research Give your view
  • Reading about UK and USA systems (2-3 hours)
  • Government and politics in UK Dictation Info gap/internet research Give your view
  • 1 Research paper on G&P comparing 2 (English as an official language) countries 2 Give your view. Write 4 sentences on each question 3. News reports 4. Take home dictation/listening (2-4 hours)
  • Government and politics in USA Dictation Info gap/internet research Give your view
  • Reading about UK and USA systems (2-3 hours)
  • Government and politics overview Dictation Info gap/internet research Give your view
  • Work on Projects (2-4 hours)
  • Project Presentations - A presentation on a contrast/comparison of 2 ES countries on whatever topic you like
  • Work on Projects (2-4 hours)
  • Project Presentations - A presentation on a contrast/comparison of 2 ES countries on whatever topic you like
準備学習 Students should spend approximately 2-4 hours a week completing homework assignments and preparing for class
教科書 There is no textbook.
参考文献 Materials will be made available in class, or on the class Moodle. Students must check their mailboxes twice or three times per week to check for materials they will need in class.
成績評価方法・基準 40% Class work and quizzes
20% Research presentation
10% Written summary & reflection of research
30% Reflection & response / short research Papers

Essay feedback: Notes or short comments
Quiz/written homework: Short Comments -may be written or oral
Discussion feedback: Oral comments
備考 使用言語:英語