現在の場所: ホーム 担当教員 Bramley, David Syllabus2015 Advanced Listening & Discussion

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科目名 Advanced Listening & Discussion 
担当教員 Bramley, David
授業の目的、または到達目標 To improve academic listening and discussion skills.
* Learning Goals:
- can listen to lectures or discussions and use note taking and other listening skills to catch the important information they hear
- can understand and discuss both sides of an issue
- Students can use discussion strategies fluently and naturally
- can prepare for a discussion by making relevant notes in English
- can refer to and use notes while discussing an issue
- can develop comments made by other students and show agreement or disagreement.
- can listen to short talks and understand the main points of what they are listening to.
- can understand and reproduce the exact words they hear through dictation work
- can listen to a news story and write a short summary of the story
授業の概要 To effectively use various listening and discussion strategies to comprehend advanced academic lectures, critically evaluate arguments, and incorporate information into academic presentations. Students will improve their ability to make academic presentations, learn to lead academic discussions, and demonstrate effective use of strategies for participation in discussions with experts.

授業の形態 Various types of listening exercises, vocabulary quizzes, discussions, presentation
時間割   概要 宿題(予習・復習等)
  • Listening & Discussion Intro Activities
  • Listening and preparation Homework
  • Discussion Skills 1. Developing your point of view
  • Listening and preparation Homework
  • Group presentations 1 - Discussion
  • Listening and preparation Homework
  • Preparing for Discussion - Internet listening sources and note taking
  • Listening and preparation Homework
  • Group Presentations 2 - Discussion
  • Listening and preparation Homework
  • Discussion skills 2. Agreeing
  • Listening and preparation Homework
  • Group presentations 3 - Discussion
  • Listening and preparation Homework
  • Discussion skills 3. Disagreeing
  • Listening and preparation Homework
  • Group presentations 4 - Discussion
  • Listening and preparation Homework
  • Discussion skills 4. Considering both sides of an argument
  • Listening and preparation Homework
  • Group presentations 5 - Discussion
  • Listening and preparation Homework
  • Discussion Skills 5. Picking holes in an argument
  • Listening and preparation Homework
  • Group Presentations 6 - Discussion
  • Listening and preparation Homework
  • Discussion skills 6. Responding to agreement and disagreement
  • Listening and preparation Homework
  • Project
準備学習 Do assigned homework; prepare for discussions; memorize common discussion strategies and use them in class.
教科書 Students will use their iPads to access course materials. They will also access specified sources on the Internet. In addition the teacher will post worksheets and other assignments on Moodle. Students must use iPads in class to access worksheets and other materials posted on Moodle.
参考文献 Group presentations and discussions - speaking in front of the class or group, leading a discussion using prepared materials = 20%
Listening and discussion preparation - taking notes, making transcripts, using sources = 30%
Other class work including worksheets, discussion practice, quizzes etc. = 30%
Project = 20%


担当教員 開講学期 開講曜日 開講時限 履修クラス 単位数
Bramley, David 秋学期 火曜日 4時限 2